Holy shiet Sofia, The chad the head maid... She is the right hand of Rachel... and Damn Sofia and Rachel switched places like that easily haha... i also lost track who was who. I think in the party was Sofia as she said to Rachel that party was good and Rachel said i should have come sooner or something.
and GG George G freaking G. Rachel just broken, destroyed and dismantled him from the prison. Don't mess with your elder sister haha. And Alexandra is George's fiancé? who the heck has a beautiful fiancé like Alexandra and still goes around a flatchester like Margaret lmao... Really glad Rachel gave the book of beautiful memories of George to Alexandra ... George waifu Alexandra now have the upper hand and will torment George mentally to the moon...
Also oh the kid whom kid Rachel was trying to drown in the water with pebble becuase he was the ringleader of the guys who was trying to bully kid Rachel was Prince idiot i mean Elliot... hahaha...