@jenniilex3 What's the point? Mitsuhide didn't want her. That was made quite clear. Kiki ending up with Hisame came out of nowhere to the point I doubt any reader was really expecting it, but it serves the sort of cold realism underlying many aspect of this story. Kiki, as a noble lady, has to get married, so when Mitsuhide said no, it had to be someone else. Personally, I'm more or less okay it being Hisame; he seems like a decent enough fellow who likes her. What annoys me greatly, though, is Mitsuhide's attitude. Maybe he's actually homosexual and that's why he wants to stick to Zen, who knows, but if he isn't, he's doing a service to no one by his actions, including Zen. If he didn't want Kiki, he should look for someone else. Zen doesn't need a dude who's throwing his own life away for Zen's sake. That's like totally contradictory to everything Zen represents. It's also condescending as it suggests Mitsuhide thinks he's irreplaceable for Zen as an advisor and surely Zen can't even change his own shirt without Mitsuhide being there. That's what annoys me, not that Kiki marries someone else.