Snow White with the Red Hair - Ch. 116

Feb 24, 2020
An interesting chapter! Mrs Liera might be one and the same with that knight's lover.

Thank you for the translation! ^^
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
This series is making me sad, seriously. It started silly, turned out great, had some really good arcs... And now everything has become over stretched, plots within plots of convoluted bs, conversations that sometimes make little sense... I've lost the thread here. I feel like the author missed the opportunity to wrap this entire world several chapters ago with a compelling ending and is now strutting characters around with little idea on how to make things clear and compelling.
Jan 30, 2018
while I agree that it's a bit stretched out, I have to disagree about the author missing the opportunity to wrap it up: Shirayuki is still not "important enough" to marry Zen since she's "only" a royal pharmacist in an official friendly relationship with the neighborhood kingdom.
Apr 30, 2018
Now now people, be calm, Shirayuki was never the all dramatic everything happens in 3 seconds type of Shoujo, this series charm comes from the fact that it's a SLICE OF LIFE, and has really slow pace.

For now, I'm just praying for this arc, because the Author ir building some really good tension with this hipnotic perfume, and i want it to finish in a bang, otherwise, THAT is going to become kinda wishwashed.
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
@Ulgan : ok that's fair, but I've stopped caring ages ago? We've had so many chapters of faffing around, solving weird shadowy plots, hunting after cave flowers, Zen coming through the window to steal a kiss... It's cute but it feels like the series doesn't know what it IS. Is it a romance? Is it action? Is it mystery? A few mangas manage to pull them all off, but I honestly don't think this does, at all. Like, who is this lady something? Are you feeling invested? Can you concisely explain why Obi went to chat to the ex traitor lads again? And now it's supposed to tie in to perfume? Any of us give a fuck about this random new guy? Who is even Eisetsu, or whatever his name is, again? Why is he important? Why should I care? I don't even understand why he hasn't authorised the flower project, or whatever the reason for the roadtrip is again? Wasn't it to have flowers illuminate a path?
I mean, come on! What else must Shirayuki do, before she can be considered a match? I understand the charm of slice of life mystery and whatnot, but Zen has been out of the picture for what feels like forever, and I honestly have stopped caring about them, and lost grip on the plot. I honestly don't even want to re-read it, because I remember it perfectly up to a certain point. After that, it's all the greasy politics arc, arranged marriages and whatnot and I find it frankly unappealing.
For me this has just completely fizzled out.
Apr 22, 2020
Holy fuck you guys are so salty, you know the title of this Manga is called “Shirayuki” right? Not “Zen and Shirayuki” it follows her life not Zens. She’s living her life according to what she wants to do. Im not sure why everyone ties her together with Zen 24/7. To me it seems like they fizzled out of love tbh. It’s been two years, they matured and probably realized their relationship isn’t sustainable given their gap in social status. Just chill and enjoy the ride. I find Obi to be a much more appealing character anyway. There’s still so much mystery to him that we don’t know, his dialogue his better written than Zen, and to me it seems like he’s a better match with Shirayuki, they look happy to me and I look forward to the coming events.
Jun 3, 2019
Thank you for the chapter!!!! It's really fun to reread this manga from ch 1 till this chapter. The story is really really goooooooooodddd!!!!!!!!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Doge41 To enjoy this series, one only has to realise that Shirayuki is a career woman. On her list of priorities, her job and research matter the most. Everything else comes as a distant second. The romance with Zen is merely something in the back of her mind. Nevertheless, she would also realise she is where she is due to Zen. Since she greatly enjoys her success in her career so far, that's what matters. What could Obi possibly offer to her? It's not like she would be unhappy being headed for a union with Zen, either. Maybe she likes Zen because it benefits her profession, but who cares? Even after they get married, she will, no doubt, still continue to concentrate on her work.
Active member
Jan 25, 2018
I really enjoyed this as a romance, but I really haven't been invested in it for a while.
Other people can like it, that's great for them, I guess, but it's just not interesting any more.
I have enjoyed SoL, I've enjoyed political stories, but there's just something about this whole situation that falls flat for me. There are certain character interactions I like, and I feel as though they have become very scarce in recent arcs.

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