@Jumboshrimp98 we've more or less known that from the start, this is saying it's actually beyond that, he's like the end point of all causality, the death of a universe manifested as a man (or a boy really), if he wants someone dead, they die, if he wants something to stop, it will cease to exist, he's capable of being far more dangerous than we've been shown thus far, and if I recall correctly he's literally insta killed multiple GODS at this point, so that's kinda impressive...though it does take a lot of potential out of the plot, so either 1: this is the big reveal and the series is almost over, 2: it's not nearly over and all we've got left to look forward to is a lot more boring one sided insta kills, or 3: he's gonna end up having to face another, more malevolent, instance of something on the same level, the version of him of this alternate reality...or possibly one (or more) pulled in from other universe(s) the same way he was