Solo Bug Player - Vol. 1 Ch. 30

Apr 4, 2020
Calling something gay is calling it lame. Its 2020 now so i knew instantly there would be some people offended by it. I don't know if you guys get donations or not but it's best to keep all your readers happy because there's definitely a few out there who might have the gae and dislike your use of the term 'gay'.
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
I bet some of them have ears, too.
Isabelle's outfit is awesome.

There was something else I wanted to say, but I got distracted by the homophobic T/N notes. Please stop that, it's 2020. Not cool. Grow up.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@Pocky8 Literally nobody, gay or straight, is under the impression that the use of the word "gay" here is meant as an attack. It being this clear that no hostile sentiments are being made, your offense at this has nothing to do with actual harm being done. It's just you raising up a fuss about something that really doesn't need a fuss raised about. People aren't entitled to keep their vocabulary within whatever range you or anyone else deems tasteful, not as long as no real attacks are being made. You're the aggressor here. Stop being so entitled. Not cool. Grow up.

@HighPriest Look up the words "homophobia" and "slur" before the next time you use them.
Group Leader
Jun 19, 2018

Eh, i could disagree on a couple points here and there, but thanks for the compliment. I really do appreciate your gratitude (and the pay).

That said, I would like to point out that just about any pejorative could be considered unpleasant or distasteful if you consider its origins, and you could argue they’re all outdated depending on what kind of people you involve yourself with. You don’t seem to know people who use the term “gay” pejoratively, while a majority of the people I’m familiar with do, many of them well into their college years. (Don’t know many people older than that, hard to find those people on discord).

It’s really just a matter of perspective, I guess, and that’s where we differ.
Group Leader
Jun 19, 2018

Unfortunately, one of our translators had a particular dislike for Tritinia’s subpar translation (you’ll have to trust me on this, unless you’re fluent in korean yourself), so he went out and sniped them (with rather poor quality typesets/redraws) and, somehow, the chapter ended up being uploaded under our group name (unintentional, trust me on that one). Eventually, after a lot of back and forth bickering and various bits of drama I can’t be bothered to recall, we came to an agreement and they dropped SBP for us.


Regarding both you and @HighPriest, my comment was in no way homophobic. It’s clear that I was, in no way, assaulting any homosexuals in my comment. A single word can, in fact, hold multiple definitions—especially when said alternative definitions are vernacular/pejorative.
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
When you associate a word with a pejorative meaning (for example here "gay" means "lame" or "something bad" and the likes), then the word itself becomes pejorative, because of the circumstances.
BTW, "gay" also means "merry". And he word "gay" is also used to describe people who are attracted to their own gender. The problem is, when you use "gay" as an insult, it comes off as if being gay in itself is somehow "bad". And when you normalize this usage, it can lead to many problems. The more people normalize it, it becomes more acceptable and before you know it, gay is used as an insult (honestly, that's how your notes came off), and that will justify treating gay people bad, just because being gay is considered bad (following that logic). You see the vicious circle? It might not harm you, but might harm a friend, or a family member or that cute girl/guy at the corner shop you chat with everytime you make a purchase.
It's dangerous because it doesn't seem harmful. But when you use a word associated with a group of people as an insult, it can quickly get out of hand. You, yourself mentioned earlier they were just "careless remarks". Your carelessness can hurt people.
Being gay is okay. Not being gay is okay. If you want to say you changed the wording because you don't like it, that's your prerogative as a translator. Most often than not, literal translations wouldn't work, anyway.
And thanks for not taking it personally and replying with a cool head. I appreciate that and sorry for my earlier insult. Even though the notes ticked me off, I shouldn't have done that.
@twinklecake Please don't put words in my mouth. Also, the word "gay" is used as an insult in the T/N notes.
And I'm not offended. I just don't want this heavy prejudice against the word "gay" and what it encompasses. Feel free to read my reply to luardemin above, and I know you might laugh how I have such a vivid imagination, but dang, have you looked at the news lately how out of propotion is hate already? (Especially in the US where they think hate speech falls under free speech which is total BS.)
I hope I could relay my thoughts properly; sorry if I couldn't, English is my second language. And it's always a bit hard to collect your thoughts when something disturbs you and you have to explain the reason.
Anyway. These are my thoughts on the matter. And if lot of people give you similar feedback, maybe it's worth to lend them an ear, hm?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@Pocky8 Your reply to him ascribes you to the school of thought that meat should be outlawed because babies can't eat it, which is an immensely harmful point of view to society when backed by law or social justice. Case in point: you actually used the word "harm" when you gave the example of a word as mild as "gay" being used a certain way around people who might not like it, when in truth, it's not even the mental equivalent of razor burn. And yet, you feel that it's already enough to start shit over it. When people get used to that level of sensitivity, close to every single possible sentence is going to be seen as """harmful""" to someone, and that is liable to cause oodles and kaboodles of arguments, eventually leading to a sociological dystopia. We're already very clearly headed there and every non-autist over 20 feels it.

Oh, and hate speech absolutely does fall under free speech. It's legal to hate groups of people, even when it's fully retarded to do so, and attempting to forbid people from publicly expressing their hatred doesn't change their actual opinions, it merely makes them more resentful and therefore only bolsters their hate, even as they hide their thoughts to when they're behind closed doors. The situation in the US going to shit is pretty much because of this: Their liberals and conservatives are equally intolerant, so nothing gets better; only more violent.

And finally, a lot of people saying a thing doesn't make it worth being listened to, because most people are idiots who only parrot the views of their perceived betters, and it's not that hard for dumb or malicious assholes to pretend to be said betters through shallow charisma, until crowds of people start championing their causes for them with no critical thinking done concerning the internal logic of said causes. This is a truth proven by the fact that advertisements and politics have a firm place in society, as they depend on the same psychological phenomenon.

The most important point to be made here is that you're not making things better. You're making them worse. Stop initiating conflicts over things that don't matter and making the side you represent look more irritable and hostile to outsiders. Go actually donate to some LGBT rights charities instead. And be smart about it, too: Most gay people in the US will be just fucking fine. Uganda, Nigeria, Russia, bunch of other countries all have their gays living in practically subhuman conditions with plenty of charities based in those countries who'd love your money or personal support. Go out there and see some actual harm and suffering before you try to educate people about it. As it is now, you just sound ignorant and entitled.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

Thanks for showing up just to say something absolutely meaningless that doesn't fit the context in the slightest or lend itself to intelligent discussion. Nonsensical.


I get it, I do. I'm just saying, you're using 'gay' as a replacement for 'lame' or 'stupid' (same as we used to use 'retarded' for before switching to 'gay') or otherwise a negative to put something or someone down. We've done that most of our generation, I get it. But it's just as easy to use the word being replaced instead of 'gay', which avoids any issues or misunderstandings. Not attacking you or anything, just not seeing the insistence on its use when you can easily put down parts of the story or art you want to draw humorous negative conclusions on without causing people to wonder if you're just being chill and millennial or if you're one of... those. It's a tiny thing that doesn't force you to compromise your morals, takes nothing away from you, and clears up problems by preventing them from even happening.

I don't know about others, but I'm not flaming you or shit over something that doesn't deserve it - you didn't do anything wrong, and seem like an intelligent and chill dude. Just figure that if it doesn't cost you anything and keeps everyone who enjoys your efforts happy... why not?
Aug 20, 2020
Maybe it's me, but their explanation of why the original group failed didn't make sense. Those 3000 soldiers seems weak 1 on 1, and they all seem to be close range. If the 500 attacked while staying at the door, this would prevent the 3000 to take advantage of their numbers and the 500 could easily decimate them. Particularly if they have healers and their front line takes rounds. Maybe they just had poor tactics or it's the movement mechanics of the game, but from the look of it it's easy to do with 500 players.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2018
@YurilsTooLewd That really bugged me on how they lost and it seems the clay soldiers are pretty weak to me.

@twinklecake You get all of my praise.
Aggregator gang
Apr 1, 2019

I will refer to the text "There are always at least 2500 clay warriors here,and since they've increased to compensate for the missing gatekeepers, there are 2504 of them now" to state my belief that the large party was facing endless waves which they couldn't clear fast enough.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
@luardemin a way, sure, yeah lots of words will bother people to varying degrees, and I think the takeaway isn't 'well that makes them all fine' it's 'maybe use none, but at least avoid the ones that bother the most people' but again, it's your own choice how to handle things even if I think continuing to use it is a bad choice.

No one thinks you're saying gay people are bad in intent, but you are continuing to contribute to the stigma the word has, it's not bad in recent years, but again, around 2008 it was crazy bad, just because it's not as bad now doesn't mean it's without issue any more. A word can have multiple meanings but that doesn't mean certainly slang isn't harmful. Not to mention how it actively goes against one of the other varied definitions of gay, the happy one (which is obviously out of use).

Just because you know a bunch of people that use gay like that doesn't mean any of you are 'in the right', it explains why you do it, but doesn't justify it. College age people acting like middle schoolers, essentially. There's so many words that could convey the meaning you want to convey without being needlessly adversarial. Yes I know that's not your intent, but intent isn't all that matters.

But yeah, plenty of pejoratives could be shelved, that's a good takeaway, 'they're all fine because some aren't disliked as much as others' is definitely not the takeaway.
May 4, 2019
I fucking knew there was gonna be a long thread just because of using gay.
keep it up and thanks for the translation translators.

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