@Claresilver47 My tone was only the direct result of an overly aggressive (granted not to me) proofless answer to a fair question, as my wording now may not be to your licking just because it's how I talk when somebody goes out of their way to explain how they don't like it when I defend myself justly. I don't care who brings what anywhere I care for it to be a fair action, still I'm not some tactless dimwit that just throws accusations around, and I know some coincidences may happen (as you noted extensively on your own comment), so I wouldn't be as unfair as to say it was downright stolen before asking properly, as such that's what I did. Btw you may have more of a pet peeve with JB than an actual justified problem and it may be fair to argue that you in no way, shape or form disproved the last hypothesis I presented, that hypothesis is also the reason scanlations usually try avoiding to work on the same project separately. As I said, there's no open accusation on my part, I have no solid proof, I was just asking because the chapter I read here looked exactly like the one I read before in JB and that seemed strange, still there's nothing in this for me to gain, rather I'm wasting quite some time on this answers, consequently I'll do me, you do you and they can do themselves, hope you get less personally involved on your next arguing with somebody and can be adequately objective to legitimate observations, for a group to be more or less to your liking doesn't make it more or less likely to be good or bad.