Wow I never expected this. Not like it's kinda obvious that the MC needs to do something because apparently literally every character can't do jack shit now.
I kinda wish more stories did serious harm to main girls. It feels like when guys are getting limbs torn off and faces scarred girls are sustaining invisible wounds to internal shit no one cares about.
Am i the only one who feels like there aren't enough girls getting their arms torn off and faces slashed in manwha/manga?
We all knew this was happening the moment Jin Woo announced he wasn't going, saying stuff like "With this many S ranks it can't go wrong..." c'mon, you know better than to raise those flags.
@Merilirem as far as most of the stories that I read, this is the first one that the girls get injured to the point of breaking arms as what happened to Hunter Cha(forgot her real name).
I don't want to be that spoiler dude, but just stay tone, broodah.
The healer is down. It only a matter of minute for the ant to wipe out the entire party.
It is a perfect time for Jin Woo to tag in and solo the ant boss.
This is my least favorite trope, not gonna lie. "Top tier" characters being obliterated but the OP MC is nowhere to be found. I like the payoff but the build-up always sucks.