When I try to read some older chapters the pages aren't loading in when I'm using the legacy reader, but when I switch to the default everything loads properly.
They aren't going to fix legacy reader. There's a reason it's the legacy reader. So far their response to all legacy reader issues is to stop using legacy reader.
> people would rather use a broken reader than voluntarily use the new one
People? You mean "cool kids" that like to praise old stuff and trash new stuff? Like it was back in "WinXP vs Win7" or "Win7 vs Win10" wars? These are just braindead "cool kids". They will never migrate to new and obviously better stuff if you don't force them
I think the idea is to only force them once the majority of the grievances are addressed. I think the biggest ones were the ability to automatically preload entire chapters in both normal and long strip modes and removing the sidebar entirely
@BraveDude8 Thanks for the info, I didn't want to upset you or start a argument in the comments. I don't follow the updates on the site and didn't know that legacy reader hasn't been supported for that long. I have just been using it since I prefer the layout. I wanted to make this thread to see if it was a problem on my end.
I'm a newcomer here, may i ask how to try legacy reader? What i know is only single, double, and long strip as its showed in setting