the way it's phrased here is confusing because they're being so damn polite, but when Chongming says "Unless you want to interfere with the internal affairs of Gu She?" it seems that Qingshang was going to have Chongming leave with Lu Feng (the qilin) while he goes and rescues Fairy Gu Tong from underground (to repay her for taking care of his Penglai juniors so far). aww. i am worried about what's happened to her down there.
i haven't read many cultivator stories so i'm pretty confused by what causes a "heavenly cataclysm." in the early part of the manhua, Cang Wuzi (Qu Chen's old master who stole him from the mortal kingdom) made it sound like his own ascension would cause the coming cataclysm. so are these events caused by cultivators themselves 'leveling up'?
if so then this whole situation seems so selfish... blaming and killing mortals when your own quest for power is why cataclysms occur. if i'm wrong let me know haha