A rather silly manga about forced embarrassing situations with a male protagonist that's extremely prone to get nosebleeds massive enough to cause horrorstories in the area,
the silliest and most envious of the other guys that think it's unfair how much attention the protag get is the only other person that frequently bleeds although in his case it's mostly tears of blood.
Author is clearly far more familiar with drawing female bodies than male ones, so don't expect too much from any scenes with lightly-clad males.
The somewhat naive straightforward behavior of small kids was actually depicted surprisingly well in the youngest sister.
Obviously loads of fanservice, censoring consist of simply leaving out details or just covered up by fog/mist/sunbeams or something else conveniently present, no ugly stickers or black boxes.
(Personally couldn't care less about censoring of images aslong as it aint those hideous stickers or boxes that really look out of place in the image.)
So, if you like silly comedies with lots of fanservice, nosebleeds massive enough to cause several horror-themed urban legends, unreasonable women coupled with a male protag that's uncomfortable around women and often have trouble with standing up for himself against them because of that, maybe like reading about some character getting teased by others because their reactions are amusing, and you don't feel the need for a proper conclusion..
Then this might actually be an entertaining read for you.
Maybe should've had a mystery tag considering it's a mystery how he can be alive with all that blood-loss, not to mention how it all fits inside his tiny (relative to the amount that is) body. =p