Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Active member
May 15, 2020
This just straight stupid. She went from a strong, open-minded woman to a self-righteous doormat. She get FUCKING RAPED and she's just like "oh that's just how he is, that's okay' WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? What about Al? Al has FUCKING KILLED PEOPLE! HE IS A LITERAL MURDERER, AND SHOULD BE FUCKING IMPRISONED AND GIVEN THE DEATH SENTENCE! Yet you're still just "the world doesn't need anyone, therefore the world needs everyone" What are you talking about??? Are you brain damaged?

Livi gets a pass, not because of his cruel upbringing, which doesn't justify his actions, but because that's just how managing a country goes. You have to do some heartless, evil shit for the sake of your country, I get it. But Al? The rapist? Hell no. Rot in hell. Psychology aside, Al killed a shit ton of innocent people, but unlike Livi, did it for his personal benefit. And Nike got raped because the rapist just liked her. And you're still cool with either of them? Are you stupid? Retarded? She's the kind of girl to fuck a guy because he's crying. I will continue this manga because I'm in too deep, but I hate every step of the way.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Jul 19, 2019
This manga would've been nice if there are developments on some of the characters ESPECIALLY the female lead. The manga started from a daring and strong female lead to a stereotypical female lead that forgives anyone.

I get that the female lead represents kindness, happiness, innocence and the beauty of the world and the the male lead represents the pain and the reality of the world. The story seems to be like a sad boy met a girl and fell inlove and start to learn happiness.

Here is the thing, when I read the chapter which has attempted rape. I was shocked and angry especially on Nephero. I thought that with what happened to Nike she will start to see the world differently and change however I thought wrong. Nephero was not punished for the deeds that he had done instead he was forgiven by Nike >:/. Every thing made my blood boil. Imagine a queen from another kingdom was kidnapped by another kingdoms king and was assaulted. He deserves to be punished!! However, I can understand that Livi didn't do it because Nepheros brother saved them however I can't accept that Nike easily forgave him.

It would've been nice to see her start to see the horrors of the world or the reality and start to be more aware and to learn who to trust and to be unforgiving in the actions of others but no she's not like that. Livi on the other hand is a king and being a king you need to be ruthless, wise, and a kind leader that's why his personality is befitting for him. His character also developed quite well since he started to learn to accept that he can be happy aswell.

All in all, I dropped this manga because of the female lead but who knows I might read this manga again someday.

Thank you for the translators!! I wouldn't have understand the story without your help.
Apr 21, 2020
Nike is really pissing me off, what a fucking righetous shitty character my god. I bet she would even forgive hitler...
@b4nji 100% agreed
Active member
May 15, 2020
This will be my last comment on this manga, but will be updated throughout my read of it. I'm just complaining, so if you don't want to read through it just don't open the spoiler tag.

We started off good. A broken man, reduced to a selfless machine by the weight of his responsibilities towards his country, being saved by the woman that he wanted nothing to do with at first. It's a simple romantic premise, but it's executed well, and the lovey-dovey stuff is cute. Then we went to the return home arc, where Livi has to prove himself to her family, which worked as both character development for him, and also plot development. Livi has never loved anyone the same way he does Nike, and so her family testing his limits is a good way of showing that he is completely serious about her. And right after this, RIGHT AFTER THIS, they start fucking it up. I could tolerate the desert prince arc, since it kinda showed that Nike, too, was completely serious about Livi. And then we moved on to the multiple kidnapping arcs, and I start to lose my faith in this. The fact that she got kidnapped is fine, since being the biggest country in existence comes with its own risks. But then, she got raped. Defiled. And guess what happens? Nothing. A common enemy takes their attention away from the fact that Livi's own wife got raped, and they never touch on it. Now moving on to this Al arc, she is doing even more stupid shit, and it's not even logical, nor realistic.

Author-san, this is trash. You took an empathetic human character, and turned her into a brainless, mindless, and soulless shell of a person. She has one thing on her head, and that is self-sacrifice. This is not how people work. As of chapter 136, she is going to REMOVE HERSELF FROM LIVI'S LIFE to save Al. Al? The murderer? The psychopath? A prominent cause of Livi's trauma? The one who has already killed thousands of people through natural disasters? You sure?

There is no realism. There is no humanity. Nike is no longer a character. She is a plot device. You did not fumble here. You did not do this by mistake. You purposefully threw away everything you had built up, in favour of creating an impossible person. If she does go through with this, and Al and Livi magically make up, I will have no, NO INTEREST, in anything else this mangaka makes.

edit: it has come to my attention, thanks to @Diguinho, that Nike did not, in fact, get raped . It seems that he stopped right before doing so, but it doesn't stop the fact that he did it non-consenually. Instead of rape, it was molestation.
Jan 15, 2019
@b4nji you're right, this manga has so much potential, until the family arc, which I enjoyed a lot has become..... This.... So disappointed :(
Feb 18, 2019
Chapter 18 is the official end of the story for me. I could mostly stomach how it was going until chapter 93 came along. A sentiment I’m sure most of us feel. I would take it as a personal task to erase the latter parts from existence, but Nike would find some way to selflessly save it... 😔

The world is still beautiful... except for this. 😆
Apr 30, 2020
Don’t think this is the ending as it’s said in the official that it has 25 volumes

Hopefully the last volume can be a redemption 🙃
Mar 8, 2019
I just want to go in photoshop and work on that black haired kids face. I have not read this series but that... does not look good. He should not look nearly as bad as that.
Apr 21, 2020
@b4nji I can't agree with you more, nike as a character started becoming worse and worse, and that took the story on a downfall as well... really big shame since as you said, it started off good...
Sep 26, 2020
7 more chapters i hope itl redeem itself but yea it started of good but it just got worse and worse i reccomend stopping around chapter 19-25 ish
Feb 8, 2021
Sorry. I tried my best to enjoy it, but I just can’t. What they did to Nike character development is unforgivable.
Sep 13, 2018
Once upon a time I really loved the story very much, it had great character personality and story developement, but then it got only worse as time dragged on and I can't forgive how it developed. It's just really messy and sad to see how it come to this, potential missed out and with only one volume remaining I hope it can only get better... if not I will just say this, the story ended early and the latter part shouldn't exist at all.

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