This chapter is a huge turning point for Shino, and by connection everyone Shino controls.
Previously, both Takoha and Rokurou have survived solely on the fact that Shino's hubris made her disregard them as a threat. But now that she's realized the importance of having "main character" types around, she's aiming for the heart now, so to speak.
Only the madlad Fujita would devote 2/3 of his chapter to a villain's internal monologue, and only Fujita could make that pacing work so well. Man, I really love how we've been allowed to view Shino's thought processes so intimately over the course of the series, because "her" development not as a character (she certainly hasn't improved morally), but as a villain and in her understanding of human emotions has been super interesting. Considering we have yet to hear even a single thought from Deido that wasn't being transmitted to a main character through dialogue or magic alien water, Fujita is taking two *very* different approaches to villains here. One functions based on logic and we are given nearly full access to those thoughts, while the other is vastly illogical and the more he reveals, the more confused we are.