Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 127 - Retrieval Mission

Dex-chan lover
Oct 6, 2019
very fascinated with little bits of worldbuilding being fed through each 10 or 20 chapters lol. would love to have a tripolar state of affairs going on but i think what happened between the empire and the association at the end of the demon wars would have drifted them apart. Lots of information regarding the spy/the special forces all implying inevitable battle between (ironically) the associates, the SS-mages, and our goofy party.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2020
I wonder if the reason Frieren is on the empire's shit list is because she's Flamme's apprentice? The empire seems to pride itself in its magical superiority, in war specifically. And yet their progenitor, Flamme, only took a single peace loving elf as her apprentice rather than any of their citizens.

Maybe they want Frieren dead just so they can say that "the empire is Flamme's greatest and longest lasting progeny". It's all an ego trip that their militant efforts were outdone by a pacifist, and they want to "fix" it the same way Lernen wanted to fix his place in Serie's memory
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2023
Why did she (the shopkeep grandma) tell them to try the ears, if she knew they were fake? Is that some Stark-service?
People who do in-person accessory sales know that if you can get a girl to try something on the chance of making a sale to her or a companion goes up a lot. And people don't get nearly as offended about bogus claims of magical powers as they should, or healing crystals and such wouldn't be so popular.
Also, it looks like Stark-kun unlocked a new fetish
Who knows? Everyone in Frieren's group is so reserved with their feelings that it's hard to tell.
Looking at the pin and deducing that it was stolen was quite bit of a stretch considering it was on the fucking ground and obviously dropped.

Also seeing how a legit psychopath like Ubel is so popular, is it a massive "i can fix her" situation among the fandom?
Yes and yes. I came to the comments this time wondering what I missed that made the pin thing make sense - looks like either it makes no sense or everyone has missed it too.
Ubel likes Land.
His magic allows her to cut him without injuring the real body. She can get her fix safely without going to war or jail :D
They are getting their short story episode in the novelisation (penned by author of Tunnel to Summer). Aura also got her episode.
Is... is Ubel's reason for liking Land something they reveal in the this novelization? Also, what novelization?
Jan 17, 2021
Eh, "racism" is generally not a true feeling, but a convenient narrative to dehumanize the people you're trying to steal from. In time it can become a true feeling, but the origins are of class and war. Empires all fail eventually as the cost to maintain their dominance outpaces the value they can steal.
Eh, if you don't think race-based xenophobia isn't usually real you need to read more pre-modern history. Even pre-Christian Roman commoners have been racist to Roman citizens from other parts of the Empire.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
Maybe they made a deal with the devil.

Artist has a droopy eyes fetish.
Author's biggest crush found
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
I fear that Serie will die because the theme being what it is
Several thousand years old super-elf dying to a bunch of scheming humans would make absolutely zero sense. I'm sure this is not the first time she was targeted. Though considering some old fart almost solo'ed Frieren's entire party including her but let them go due to having attachments to his day life, anything is possible at this point
Dex-chan lover
May 7, 2020
Finally, real english is back on the menu.
All those pretentious mofos who defended the last chapter's translations can go suck it!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2019
Now that's some good world building.

I wonder what Flamme did to convince the empire to adopt the study of magic. Knowing her, she might have turned the tide against the demons to force the empire's nobility to acknowledge her.
Double-page supporter
Mar 16, 2020
Some of the grammar and phrasing feels a little off to me this chapter.

Pg. 3:
  • panel 1 "Do you think there exists any factor for them to get on better terms?" -> "Do you think any factor/way/method for them to get on better terms exists?"
  • panel 3 "when the high society are" -> "when high society is"
  • panel 4 "being a part of this high society" -> "being part of high society" or "participating in high society"
  • panel 5 "we've taken this look." -> "we've taken this role." or "we're dressed like this." depending on whether Ubel's referring just to the clothes or to the disguise as a noble.
  • panel 6 "The invitations have been verified," they aren't actually until later in the chapter, is this a tense mixup that should be "will be" instead of "have been"? -> "The/Our invitations will be verified/checked,"
  • panel 6 "but not every face amongst the regional nobles is recognizable." -> "but the regional nobles are not all recognized/known by face." using recognizable instead of recognized implies the face is disfigured rather than unknown
  • panel 7 "which is engaged" -> "who is engaged" might also consider using embedded/undercover instead of engaged
pg. 4
  • panel 3 "Our duty is to slip into the party" -> "Our job/task is to slip into this/a party" or "Our orders/instructions are to slip into this/a party
  • panel 3 "retrieve the documents" -> "retrieve documents"
  • panel 6 "she's not in a situation where she can freely act during the National Foundation Festival" -> "the National Foundation Festival is not in a situation where she can act freely"
  • panel 7 "superior" doesn't feel like the right word here, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to mean she's highly placed/ranked (in the empire) or highly skilled (as a mage/infiltrator).
  • panel 7 "she didn't look like it." -> "she didn't appear to be."
Pg. 5
  • panel 2 "When she finished," -> "After she finished,"
  • panel 2 "just as much of a weirdo watching that happen?" -> "just as much of a weirdo for watching that happen?" (Watching that long?)
  • panel 3 "keep in mind your conduct." -> "mind your conduct/manners."
  • panel 4 "I did ponder that on our way here," -> "I did ponder this on our way here," also unless Ubel is supposed to be speaking stiffly/formally here "I did ponder" -> "I was wondering/thinking (about)"
Pg. 6
  • panel 3 "act appropriate." -> "act appropriately."
  • panel 3 "This would make us" -> "This will make us" or "This makes us"
Pg. 7
  • panel 2 "There isn't any sign of life around here," -> "There aren't any signs of life around here," or "There's no sign of life around here,"
  • panel 3 "quickly find it" -> "find them quickly" documents is plural
Pg. 8
  • panel 3 "Did you find it?" -> "Did you find them?" documents is plural
  • panel 4 "Are the guards of this estate that superior?" -> "Are this estate's guards that good?"
  • panel 7 "we must engage" -> "we must fight" or "we must engage them"
Pg. 10
  • panel 4 "...That uniform was" -> "...that uniform is"
  • panel 4 "Special Forces of Magic" sounds weird to me, I'd use "Magic Special Forces" unless you've got some reason not to.
  • panel 4 "A force supposedly originally recruited for" -> "Supposedly, a(n) force/unit/entity originally founded/formed/commissioned for"
  • panel 4 "They've gone rather overboard enlisting them as bodyguards for these dignitaries, haven't they...?" -> "Stationing/assigning them as bodyguards for these dignitaries is going rather overboard, isn't it...?"
  • panel 5 "That often occurs in places like these." -> "This often occurs/happens in places like this."
Pg. 11
  • "the Academy of Magic of the Empire." -> "the Imperial Academy of Magic." or "the Academy of Magic in the Empire." depending on whether or not 'of the Empire' is part of the institution's name or just where it's located.
  • "one of those two inside." -> "one of the two inside." or "one of them/(those two)."
Pg. 12
  • panel 1 "Shall we speak with those two and confirm their backgrounds?" -> "Shall/should we speak with them (in order) to confirm/verify their backgrounds?"
  • panel 1 "If we are not careful, it may turn out impertinent to meddle with their foolish love." -> "It would be impertinent to carelessly meddle with their foolish love." though note that impertinent means rude but the rest of the conversation implies a word meaning dangerous or risky should be used instead since they're concerned with personal consequences rather than manners
  • panel 6 "acting appropriate." -> "acting appropriately."
Pg. 13
  • panel 1 "If they are typical authorities, they wouldn't lay a hand on high-born children without any endorsement." -> "If they were typical authorities, they wouldn't lay a hand on high-born children without permission."
  • panel 1 "they'll usually be" -> "they'd usually be"
  • panel 2 "those" -> "the"
  • panel 3 possibly "belligerent" -> "confrontational"
Pg. 14
  • panel 4 "gone far." -> "gotten far." unless it's supposed to imply they only went a short distance and then stopped.
  • panel 5 "I shall look for any traces." -> "I'll check for any traces of what they were doing." ending at traces feels like part of the sentence (traces of what?) is missing, though there might not be much room in that speech bubble.
Pg. 18
  • panel 3 "this great cause" -> "the great cause"
May 1, 2018
Or they just think that they're threats to the Empire's reign even though they couldn't care less about political power struggles? What the hell are they thinking when there are still some remnants of the Demon Army running around?
When was the last time you heard of a politician prioritizing national security or ethics above a power grab? They have a secret police force that dresses like that, the Empire's probably not long for this world (especially by Frieren's reckoning).

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