TBH, I think people are jumping the gun too quickly, whether it is near the ending or friendzoned, if anything, it seem to me the manga is shaping up to be rather long, reason being:
1 - Venom, let's us be real, with Silk is seriously damaged, Yu stand absolutely no chance again Venom, his sole chance is pulling all the people out of harm way and if Peter somehow managed to regain his mind in a moment upon seeing the new spiderman and forcefully pull Venom away back to the underground, so clearly Venom is shaping up to be a bigger threat and something that has to be deal in the future, and we have seen that someone is behind Peter transform into Venom, so this guy is either testing Venom or intent to control Venom Peter, or something else but obviously Venom is only a part of this guy plans, I can see this easily go over 100 chapters if Yu were to explore the entire scheme. I think the intended story should be after Venom Peter entrust new spiderman, he is either going into hiding or getting capture by the man behind the screen, and Silk and Yu have to go out of their way to find and save Peter in a long quest.
2 - Friendzoned, If anything, being friendzone actually a big sign of story getting longer, since the MC is now more open regarding relationship and times, again, spiderman works. In my eyes, if Emma and Yu actually being a pair would actually spell the story is ending soon. TBH, I don't mind the whole lesbian thing consider how easy Yu is accepting it, and it look more like Yu feeling toward Emma is closer to admiration towards an Idol and a small crush rather than actual attraction. It seem to me that Yu just want some close friends that put their trust in him rather than looking for a girlfriend. Yu feel refreshed is more like he himself don't aware that he isn't actually looking for a girlfriend, and relieve that it isn't the case when Emma told him the truth.