Spirit Blade Mountain - Ch. 82

May 26, 2019
I've actually always thought about this. The immortal people will live for a long time but those who are close to them but are mortals like their parents, family, friends, lovers will die. They will need a strong heart as they will see countless people passing away. Unless you are born in a family with immortals and your friends are also immortals who travel with u and u marry an immortal.
Oct 25, 2020
@Rake My philosophy, if I can call it that, seeing as this is a fictional situation, is that though one is bound to live much longer than one’s “mortal” family, it is not necessary to cut ties with them. Rather, enjoy one’s time with them and mourn them when they pass. Then move on, and let time do the rest. If one cannot move on, then one will probably be haunted and one’s cultivation would be stunted, meaning that one would die and be united with them. If one is able to move on, then one can cultivate on, get married to a fellow cultivator, have one’s own family of cultivators HEA. Tada!!!

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