what does that mean? the story will be rewritten?
You should read the site rules every once in a while, you know...

The title has to be the official licensed title or the romanised Japanese title (some of the older comics that were before MDex went down a couple of years back still have unofficial EN titles - we just haven't fixed them, yet...).
What I was saying is, I didn't know the title had been licensed, but I realised it when it had the "official English" link and the title had been changed to what the official EN title was...
yeah! wtf? there is 0 romance at this point! don’t tell me it’s gonna end with not confession at all?!?!?
Dude... this has already been covered... read the rest of the comments above you. It's not the last. Hell, the scanlator hasn't even TL'd some of the chapters that are on pixiv (where the raws are located)......