May 6, 2019
Never ending vendetta? Aren’t you the one who accuses other people of having multiple accounts because they don’t share your opinion, you damn moron?
Feb 15, 2019
No, Kettlehatespot (aka: SuperOniichan) (aka: !Akemi), you are being called out on having multiple accounts because you have extremely unique behavior that no one else has. Like obsessively trying to call everything "opinions" in order to dismiss them, and pretending that samefagging is impossible.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
@Kettlehatespot SSSS_ANON is Ack and Joudan is his multi acc he uses to talk shit about other GRIDMAN translations that contain hetero content.
May 6, 2019
Is it possible to report him, both his accounts? Because Joudan/SSSS_Anon clearly is trying to attack me personally under the pretense I’m his nemesis.
Feb 15, 2019
Just so everyone is aware, Kettlehatespot, Bochulaz and SuperOniichan are all the same person, and he is obsessively trying to ruin the threads of anything Gridman related. He's from 4chan and he used to go by the tripcode "!Akemi" until it was perma banned when he posted CP. He thinks anyone and everyone who tells him to stop shitposting is "ack", which is a name he made up self and started spamming. He thinks "ack" is a fan of "yuri gridman", so he's doing is absolute hardest to ruin any place you can discuss the series. His first post on his Kettlehatespot account was made here And he made the account specifically to post in that thread, to defend his other "SuperOniiChan" account.
Here is tries to claim it's not possible he has multiple accounts.
Here are the mods confirming that he has multiple accounts.

In this post here Kettlehatespot claims that someone sent him "death threats", then on 4chan he made this post which were messages sent to Bochulaz. Also note how both Bochulaz and Kettlehatespot think that being told to "off yourself" is a "death threat" even though no one actually threatened them with anything. There is a zero percent chance that multiple people would blatantly misunderstand what a threat is in such an way. No messages were ever sent to his Kettlehatespot account. He is confusing what accounts he talking with and saying "messages sent to me" on an account that had nothing sent to it.

On his Bochulaz he is making posts like this where he's trying to claim translations are bad, which he has no actual way of checking. Because he doesn't have the raws. He asked for them multiple times here in comments section. So, if he doesn't have the raws, it's literally impossible for him to check the quality of the translations. He is flat out lying and try and slander this "ack" person he's made up in his head, and ruin the discussion for series anywhere he can.

!Akemi (Kettlehatespot, Bochulaz and SuperOniichan) has one goal here, to ruin discussion for this series because he thinks it's a good way to hurt and harass "ack", and made up person who he blames everything he dislikes on. He thinks "ack" is a "yurifag" and thus tries to fake "het" vs "yuri" shipping wars, as a way of ruining discussion. Also, he's made even more baseless claims like the translator not doing certain parts of the anthology because they are "het", but again, he has never seen the raws, so he has no way at all of confirming this. He's literally lying just for the sake of trying to slander people.
Also, if you want proof "ack" is something he's totally made up. Just ask him for proof "ack" is real. He will literally never do anything but link random posts which have told to him to stop shitposting and claim they are "ack".
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Joudan posted:
Here are the mods confirming that he has multiple accounts.
And just so we're clear about this, I will reiterate that despite the fact that Kettlehatespot indeed had an alt, based on the information I have access to, I currently have no reason to think that he, Bochulaz and SuperOniichan are all the same person, and some reason to suspect they're probably not.
Feb 15, 2019
Notice how in the other thread Bochulaz and such are spamming about "ack".
"ack" is something that literally only one person thinks he is real. And that would be !Akemi. Because he made it up.
!Akemi knows he needs to use proxies when he's samefagging. Because he's been doing just that for around six straight years, every single day, on 4chan.
You can see him spamming about "ack" here|a| ack| and getting constant bans, all of which he evades.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018

I've just about had it. Stop reporting stuff that doesn't break the rules. Stop PMing me large images about offsite drama that doesn't concern MD. Stop creating alts. Stop perpetuating drama where there is none. If you have issues, block each other. If you refuse to block each other, take it to PM.

If you don't comply with any of these requests, I will comment ban each and every one of you for 1 month and double it every time you try to start this slapfight again.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018

Personally, I try to ignore this topic for more than a month, because I just got tired of this circus. But I saw this post, so I explicitly promise to ignore any possible continuation of this.

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