Stalkers - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - I Like the Inner You

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Oh ho, this is one of those stories I hope gets a part-2

I mean, even I would be after a cute nyan-cat lol
Active member
Aug 19, 2018
My heart weeps for the man who pines for a girl that is yandere for another.
That said, she dropped her mark, so she was nae true yandere in the first place.
May 20, 2019
Now... i guess since the series is “stalker” that means that the guy that the girl likes don’t actually like her and turns out this is like a love triangle, it’s good that she drop those photos and memories like a hot potato xDD
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
lmfaooooo but also like, this is really straightforward in that there's no real twist or subterfuge, this woman is just really honest! she only likes nyan chief because of who's playing him => she only likes the dude that used to play nyan chief. that's real loyalty right there shes not gonna fall for just anybody wearing the suit.

also do yall just project onto anybody with main character face? why would some new guy who's thoughts we only hear for a panel matter. the dynamic here is mc=>og nyan chief this other guy is almost completely irrelevant to that besides in that he sabotaged any romance that could've happened between them while cementing that she only loved nyan chief for who played him and had no attachment to the character at all.

edit: i just reread this chapter and she's not even mad that the guy stopped playing nyan chief, shes mad that he started ignoring her, disregarding what she perceived as a 3 year relationship. she responds to this rejection by cutting him off in turn. like if anything she has remarkably good boundaries for a stalker, whereas new guy (who's probably the actual stalker) is so attached to the idea of her having the object permanence of an elementary schooler that he never realizes that her interest is in his coworker. this is despite her repeatedly expressing complete disinterest in him. he's literally the only person who's actions warrant the label stalker bc he's the only person who's repeated interjections into their crush's life is completely unwanted and said to be so by said crush. like, the real actual twist is that the mc, a grown woman who has developed an obsession with a the person who plays theme park mascot to the point of completely manufacturing a relationship with him, is able to tell when someone doesn't want to interact with her and this dude can't.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2019
Well, that's a downer ending. Anyways, since the chief looked like a calico cat, and calicoes are usually female, I thought the chief would be a woman.

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