@DeanWinchester @Genoshock I'm going to tell both of you the same thing I told HDMI1 back in chapter 284, plus a little;
You sound like a used car salesman. "I'm going to violate the spirit of the deal and sell you a shitty defective product that's worth substantially less than what I tricked you into paying for it. Also, it's going to break down and be both unusable and stupidly hard to repair in a couple of days. It's all your fault for trusting me, sucker!"
Nobody likes a liar, and that goes double for asswipes who lie through omission + sophistry.
You sound like a used car salesman. "I'm going to violate the spirit of the deal and sell you a shitty defective product that's worth substantially less than what I tricked you into paying for it. Also, it's going to break down and be both unusable and stupidly hard to repair in a couple of days. It's all your fault for trusting me, sucker!"
Nobody likes a liar, and that goes double for asswipes who lie through omission + sophistry.