From how the introduction to this manga started its implied that it is common for nobles to be self serving, and that there are orders to collect tax on the papers, not just an empty one. 😅
Considering they are basically dying from starvation this is a pretty reasonable reaction when he admitted that it came from his castle.😋
They are assuming he gave those orders as he is now the city lord, by this point they are too riled up to listen to what he actually said.😫
people don't always act reasonable, even less often when angry, hungry and fearing for there lifes. 👻
Honestly they should have lynched the other noble before he ran away once he sold off the city and the title.😈
It would "only" be murder as he is not the city lord anymore. 👺
besides they can't really punish them more then they have at this point as they are already dying a slow and painful death if nothing changes.😱
and yes i had to put in all those emojis, i was in the emoji mood and you cant stop me.
@blackbird gets it
and now i have tagged everyone who have commented on this chapter.