@Thrembs Regarding the work trip example, I think you might be right, since I remember being a bit confused by that conversation when I read the translation. At the time I assumed I'd misunderstood the raws, but maybe not. It has been like 6 months since I read chapter 15 raws though, and neither pixv or the currently released volumes have that chapter, so I can't re-read it to verify. Assuming your interpretation is correct, I agree that its a pretty significant error, since the current translation sounds like its a conversation between Shimizu and Maekawa. I'll be interested to re-read that chapter raw once volume 3 comes out.
Regarding your second example: I agree with
@Sarsak that the bold/italic "company" implies romantic company, but I definitely see your point that it adds a layer of ambiguity not present in the original work. "I'm meeting with my lover tonight!" has downsides as well though. Its several words longer, which makes the line a bit less punchy. That's important when the main purpose of the line is to communicate Maekawa's frustration/anger. Personally I might have gone with "I have a date tonight!", since that is both short and unambiguous, but I don't think any of these translations is wrong. I think it just shows the priorities of the translator.
Also time is always a factor with translations; there is often an optimal phrasing that both sounds good and conveys the literal meaning, but wordsmithing until you find it eats up time that could be spent on translating other lines, or other chapters, or other series. Even the more established translation groups with dedicated editors have way more manga they want to translate than resources to do the translation/editing. You yourself said you'd have liked to translate this manga, but don't have time. As such all translations are going to be a compromise between quantity and quality. And while that doesn't mean you shouldn't criticize when translators make mistakes, I think its overly harsh to say this is "wackadoo" or that readers are "not much worse off with blank raws."