... I'm so relieved Sieon is being straightforward about this. I mean, Cheongwon and Jian are pretty normal types when it comes to love triangles, but then Sieon throws a wrench in all this by being self-aware and honest. I thought a love triangle meant pointless drama, but it's not the case here and I appreciate that. ,
Almost feels like his existence is driving the entire love plot, actually. XD He notices Cheongwon likes Jian quickly by unintentionally provoking his jealousy, and confesses to Jian before bringing up Cheongwon (and surprisingly, confirms that she stills wants to go home. Normally in these stories a dense main character will hear that sort of thing and just forget about their prior life, instead suddenly developing strong enough feelings for someone to just brush over such desires.). Now he's also asking Cheongwon about his own feelings for her. I mean, really. XD
(Then again, everyone else also subverts things pleasantly. I just mentioned Jian's subversion. Sieon's subversion just catches my eye because it's so rare.)