Strawberry Fields Once Again

Feb 28, 2020
According to the source, they will become lover in the future. The other memory Pure saw about future is the alternative timeline. I guess we have to wait for someone to translate the volume 3. I am also confuse about that timeline twist they have from volume 1 to 3 🥰
Jan 23, 2021
I feel myself just getting madder and madder as the chapters go bro, stop trying to add some psychological mind f***...that's not what's wanted or expected from this manga.
Feb 17, 2021
This is why I lowkey hate time travel
because since pure made her fall in love with her she changed the future therefore erasing her reason for being there in the first place, but now there’s a paradox since the future keeps resetting and pure keeps going back in time then erasing that timeline and it’s just a never ending loop. I wonder how we’ll get out of this fuckery
Mar 17, 2020
Agree to the guy below me honestly
Like bc its unending loop pure just keeps going back in time and getting hurt again and again
Aug 23, 2020
I can't accept this to end just like that. I need closure. Why must you hurt me this way...
Jul 30, 2020
I'm at chapter 11 and I already want to punch the author. The way the father shows up and talking like a kind, loving father is so full of bs. What a joke!
May 19, 2023
If anyone is wondering what happens after...
Pure gets removed from the timeline but Akira still has memories of her though she only see's them in her dreams, Pure is now trying to get back to her but is struggling since Akira's brother has hired someone to give her false leads but his accomplice who is the lady that has time travel powers(or she did, as she lost them) and the time machine is based of her, she tells pure the truth and of Akira's location. She finds pure just in time to save her from scaffolding falling on her which you learn happened to her in the original timeline. In the original time line Akira was left paralyzed from the waste down and met Pure after saving her from being assaulted by this guy who spiked her drink. The two become close and Pure falls in love but Akira like when she was a kid is more close off & distant, not wanting to be in a romantic relationship, her condition is become worse too with her painkillers no longer working. It's at this point she discovers Akira's brothers time machine, hears of his plan to go back and stop his mum and dad from meeting, saving her from suffering but erasing him and his sister in the process. Not wanting that to happen and wanting Akira to not have to suffer and give up on her career, she goes back in time but the machine isn't 100% calibrated which is why her dreams of romance & marriage mix with her actual memories. Now it cuts back to her in hospital after saving her from the accident, luckily she only suffered minor injuries and Akira speaks with her brother who has had a change of heart due to finding messages written by their mother who wanted the dad to take care of the them and make sure they live happy lives which makes his stop his plan, he still hates did Dad obviously though. Pure wakes up and the two reunite properly, Akira says she loves pure and the two kiss. There is a time jump to them as adults getting married with their friends and family there, we also learn they both became teachers, Pure a kindergarten teacher and Akira a literature teacher for an old girls school, a few of her students attend the wedding as well. The wedding commences and they get married, it's very beautiful and sweet. There is an additional chapter afterwards, set when they are married and living together, deciding as to where they should go for their honeymoon. I may have missed out a few details here and there but that's the general gist of what happens after where it ends on Mangadex.

I don't condone it but if you really need to see what happens for your self due to the awful cliff-hanger, the rest of the story is available to read on Manganelo, otherwise you will have to purchase it, I was lucky enough to have a friend who already owned it.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2023
this needs the science fiction tag, maybe supernatural too but definitely the former
Jul 25, 2024
I’ve read the comments.
The whole time travel isn’t bad and you can keep up on what’s going throughout the time traveling.
As for the ending people assume that ch.15 is the ending. But it’s not.
You have to look for the other chapters. It’s a happy ending.
This is a great story. Usually I stay within the Yuri stories that only have more realism. No magic, horror or time travel.
But this was cute. It was definitely a good read.

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