Study Group

Group Leader
Apr 18, 2019
@uwingy lol, I’m indonesian too... it’s cringe so whenever I read korean manhwa I wil always read english translation... idk why reading in indonesian is cringe somehow for me except when I read a comic that originally from indonesia, maybe it’s because the difference between informal and formal words?
Feb 2, 2021
The story is great, no one is a dumbass just for the plot. Characters are written very believable, yet still stylized. The story pace never makes it boring. The only thing that never goes forward is MC with studying lol
Aug 18, 2020
Sheesh, this crap is good, everything I've seen here has never ceased to amaze me, characters being put into tight spots and they don't get out, only (maybe) later on. Characters are much more believable and on the few last chapters the main character has such a problem presented to him, he's the kind of person that seeks to not hurt anyone, but he's kind of put into the position of the villain?! Maybe because the characters feel more realistic here, but I have never seen this kind of situation feell like this, just amazing
Nov 16, 2020
@mangashiap I usually prefer english translation too, but have you read Loser Life? since it's not available in eng webtoon I read the indo version, and surprisingly it's funny as heck the jokes aren't cringy and I genuinely laughed a lot reading it :)) I guess it also depends on how good the original writing is and how the translators can translate it well so that readers still relate to it without changing the meaning.
as for Study Group I read the eng version mainly to improve my english lol
Feb 16, 2020
I love this collab, it lets them grind out so many chapters. I truly appreciate you guys for translating
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
@sweatyman123 , well, there's that little hope when you see a good rating, right?. In hindsight, i should have kept my expectation low when i see high-scored comic with low number of raters.
Aug 14, 2018
Fucking MMScans got invovled... quality went to shit. the picture quality was SO much better with just Study group doing it.....

No wonder i put MMscans on the 'groups not to check their shit of' when i recall how they handled the picture quality with Rasud... fuck this group.
Aug 14, 2018
Let me elaborate in more 'Image quality specific terms' :

For the sake of comparison/mentioning ill start by saying that the latest 'Only Study Group' chapter (98) was the 'Flawless picture quality/100% the same as RAW's' that Study Group had when they released on their own. Chapters were 690x because that's how it is on the raw and upscaling stuff... well that usually does more harm than good (picture quality wise that is)
Now, the first chapters with the 'collab' or when Study group was merged with MM started with 99 and all through chapter 102 it wasn't 'That bad' but still a downgrade in quality. the resolution remained 690x so that wasn't the cause (it wasn't upscaled) but what i would take the guess at, is that whoever then started to do the RAW->Translation or whatever (unless it's a complete different raw provider) somehow fucked up the profile of the .jpg image quality (or rather downgraded it) as this is something that usually happens when a .png -> .jpg conversion with a bad profile takes place or just saving a RAW in a less than ideal .jpg image settings. best example i can give in that department, is how in the past Asura were a group i always avoided as their translations were top notch, but their Image quality was always sub-par and seemed to suffer from the same sorta quality issue. nowdays they fixed it (and by that the .jpg's themselves are bigger obviously) but that's sorta the closest thing i can give as an example.
Now talking about chapters 103 onward... that's where the shitshow started for me. Not only the same 'downgrade' that went from 99 onwards is present but the entire resolution is upscaled , which further makes the downgrade in quality evident.. someone had the 'Genius' idea to upscale the images and make em 720x when the source RAW's are clearly 690x and upscaling it with, as i mentioned the downgrade of quality due to the .jpg quality lowering.. yeah, not a good idea.
Aug 14, 2018
oh forgot to tag, @Suiji01z also, Sorry if i'm being too harsh, but i really wanted to read Rasud in the past and the 'quality issue' sorta got me to drop that idea, and it stuck to mind... so when i saw the image quality of Study group go down when the team merged with yours... yeah, you might at least get me on that.

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