Subete no Jinrui wo Hakai Suru. Sorera wa Saisei Dekinai. - Vol. 0 - Oneshot

Active member
Mar 24, 2018
I play an Island from my hand and put it on my Lands zone.
*adjusts fedora and waves hand across the board*
The table is yours.
Jun 30, 2018
Yes but did they attach a cool addendum section explaining all the references for Non-MTG players? A manga like this needs something more.
Mar 30, 2018
MTG Arena has been released and I've been playing MTG since 2016. Hope the need to know MTG not hinder this manga to be serialized
Active member
May 10, 2018
@EOTFOFYL I dont play Magic but shouldnt any element type have some sort of the same bullshit card that can turn the tide? Shouldnt every element be balanced against eachother ?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019

TLDR: Colors don't actually counter each other, they each have some sort of access to abilities others have, abiet in a round about way. Skills and luck is more important than some kind of doomsday card.

Perhaps old school MTG design, modern MTG design gives each color a distinct area of expertise that others would lack. Each color do possess hate cards for certain colors. Certain keywords and abilities are associated with their respective color.

- Blue: King of card draws with one of the best affinities for artifacts. Has a monopoly on counter magic. Lacking in "destroy" removals it instead has "bounce"(return to hand) spells. Often weak, many blue creatures compensate with utility and evasion. Flying is Blue's defining ability (Can't be blocked normally).

- Red: The usual go to for "burn" and cheap aggressive creatures. Removal is primarily in the form of damage. They're the third best color for card draw in the form of "wheels"(discard hand, draw X) and loot(discard and draw, in either order). Although lacking in Enchantment removal, Red is not lacking in Artifact and land removal. Haste is Red'a defining Ability (No summoning sickness).

- Black: Arguably one of the most annoying colors in the game with its plethora of creature removals and discard effects. They're also the best in their ability to recur creatures. It's the second best in terms of card draw as they generally pay for it with their life points. However they are extremely lacking when it comes to noncreature removals. Deathtouch is Black's defining ability.

- Green: The color of big beaters and expensive creatures. As a result they lack any form of creature removal outside of "flyer" hate. They do however have a good arsenal of Enchantment and Artifact removal as well as some degree of recursion. They have the worst affinity for artifacts. Trample is Green's defining ability (Excess damage goes through blocks).

- White: Arguably one of the best colors for removal with its vast selection of exile effects and fair arsenal of other removals. It's also the go to color of swarm decks with its access to token generators. It's Achilles heel is it's utter lack of draw power. White's defining ability is Vigilance (Does not get tapped when attacking).

- Colorless: Jack of all trades, master of none. They're not represented in the color pie but their presence should not be overlooked. The cost of flexibility is usually increase cast cost. This is home to artifacts and Eldrazi(Inter-dimensional world eating monsters) which are usually colorless.

- MultiColor: Combines some aspects of their respective colors, there is no way to generalize it beyond that.
Jan 18, 2018
Great explanation @EOTFOFYL. Though, I think it's kind of unfair saying they don't counter each other. Even in the current meta, if you want to build a mono-color deck, they will almost always have cards with inherent effects that will put a wrench in the opposite color's plan. The manga makes the game look less like magic and more like Yu-Gi-Oh lol. Mono-white with afterlife, lifelink, first strike will always hinder mono-black decks, unless monoblack is playing some sort of heavy control like this:
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019

Sorry I don't play Standard, paper or otherwise, my mindset is more oriented elsewhere so I may be out of touch in that aspect.
Double-page supporter
Aug 28, 2019
Characters annoying and the way she won, what a f*cking unbalanced game, its like OTK decks in hearthstone - stupid.
Active member
May 6, 2020
I'm undecided on the main series as of currently, but I like this one-shot. There's a level of nuance to the writing that kept me hooked all the way through despite having never touched a Magic card in my life.

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