@bigtiddyoneesan I don't have much opinion of King either, but there's really no reason to believe he
isn't black. A birth certificate is just a piece of paper. My nephew's father isn't listed because his mother is a rotten excuse for a human being. Doesn't mean my brother isn't the biological father. So just the same, there's no reason to believe the man on the birth certificate is King's father and not the black man his mother had an affair with.
Regardless, I think your reading of his tweet is fair.
But given what I've seen of his bitchute livestreams, it seems he could embrace slavery at the drop of a hat if the mood ever struck him. It's not the first time he's used "I don't support this but..." as an excuse to spout off some nonsense. For instance, he used that same formula in regards to the numbers of dead from the Holocaust. First it was low like 9-10,000 dead and after someone complained he changed it to 9 billion dead.
Don't know if you looked Benjamin up, but he's got plenty of other stuff that might violate TOS on a website. I just picked the most blatantly bonkers stuff.
Thanks for the reply.
I don't think it's likely. Milo Yiannopolous just recently lost arbitration for this exact same case. Tort interference against Patreon. They may have switched to claiming Deceptive Practices, but realistically, Patreon is not on the hook for millions of dollars. This is just another alarmist post, imo.