Typos on page 17: "... Mi
ko Minowa. A youn
d entrepreneur, apparently." >> "... Mit
ro Minowa. A youn
g entrepreneur, apparently."
Typos on page 29:
"A pinup of Mi
tushiro Minowa." >> "A pinup of Mit
suhiro Minowa."
"...brides for Mi
tuhiro Minowa!" >> "...brides for Mit
suhiro Minowa!"
Typo on page 45: "That's Yu
kika Daimon" >> "That's Yu
mika Daimon"
Typo on page 49: "...to investigate Mitu
shiro Minowa as the motive." >> "...to investigate Mit
suhiro Minowa as the motive."
Also at page 14 Minowa says : "Eri, Miyuki,".
Shouldn't the other girl be Yumika instead of Miyuki?