The story goes:
- Primary school aged girl anxious about how she's so different to how she perceives everyone else. She seems to have no feelings, and feels like a fake.
- She gets to meet her older self, who is callous, more selfish, more jaded. But also more confident, and who tells her things are going to be okay, that she's normal.
- At the very end, her primary school aged self has written, "Thank you Santa, for the best present."
That is, she knows that when she grows up, she
will change, at least in her anxiety and insecurity, and that she will be okay. THAT's the moral of the story. It's not trying to preach some pessimistic theory about how society functions, but just saying, "Hey man, you might be insecure, but things are gonna be alright. You're gonna grow, you're gonna get busy, and things are gonna be alright. You'll like the person that you become."
@HawkGoggles @BCS @That-Guy