Suki tte Ii na yo.

Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018

the missing chapters are found in the scanlator's site reader. I only checked the first one though (ch 21) so I'm not sure if everything is working.
Jun 21, 2018
Okay, small rant incoming but after watching the anime, reading the manga one time in like 2016 then, coming back to read the whole thing again for the new chapters. I have now realized that..

This is a shit shoujo. Hold up on your torches and pitchforks. Here are some reasons why I thought this classic shoujo is crap.
1. Mei the main girl is an outcast who because of her "tragic" backstory doesn't want friends. Then Mr. Magic boy swoops in to be all slick and cool, and she's all like okay guess I'll think about befriending him. Then damsel in distress scene happens and now suddenly WE ARE FRIENDS! Next chapter we find out, SHE HAS LVLED UP TO CRUSH? Like seriously that's some s**t past or you just blur the lines of friend and crush because he kissed you first with no indication that he actually likes you. Jesus girl are you that desperate for a boyfriend? That the moment some boy smashed faces together you go insta doki doki. Maybe 16 years of gloom does that? Or bad pacing ??
2.Asumi the melon lady supposely likes main boy (Yamato?) but when another boy confesses she just gives up. So what was that whole backstory where Yamato saved you? Or did it finally go through your thick skull that he doesn't like you? So then why do you stick so close to him and tell others you like him when you actually don't?
3. The stupid reason to why Yamato hasn't kissed Asui or at least the rumor has it. I mean it could be because THEY DON'T WANT TO KISS. Asui may not be so open to kissing unlike the other girls. LIKE MOST GIRLS WHO DON'T JUMP ON GUYS JUST FOR A KISS BECAUSE THEY AREN'T PEA BRAINED AND ACTUALLY WANT ROMANCE.
4. Everyone is stupid... except Mei or Yanato of course. Chapter 3 is just stupid boy who can't pick up his own balls and confess because he's too stupid to understand how Yamato became popular and why people like him. Or even then JUST F*CKING CONFESS. Then when the damsel in distress scene happens, he f*cks it up because his brain has one setting, "think about boobs". So Mei has to tell him "you could have said anything else?" Facepalm ×2
This is chapter 1-3 but I can already recollect the bad miscomunication, everyone has peas for brains, and stereotyping/generalizing happens all the time. I still wonder how I used to like this shoujo.
Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018
It started out weird but it gets better, promise. I really appreciate the character development not only for the main characters but for the side characters, too! Overall, it's a fuzzy and warm manga and I really recommend it :) (I'm only at Ch 39 though HAHA)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
I'm a bit in between on this one. Sometimes the "character development" is a bit over the top. I mean, like, one of the major defining characteristics of the heroine is, she's shy. And OK, I get it that inevitably part of the project of the shy girl coming of age thing is "overcome shyness". Fine, it's bad to be so shy you can't function. But she ends up being in the school Miss Congeniality or whatever contest, and then deciding, apparently mostly as a challenge to herself, to pick teaching as a career. WTF?! No. You challenge yourself by doing things that are a bit out of your cloistered comfort zone, you do not take on careers that will last for decades where you have to stand up in front of people and talk all the time every day. In real life this would probably make a person like her miserable, and the feeling that she has to go that far is part of this "SHY == BAD", "INTROVERTS MUST CHANGE" thing I see quite a bit and find quite annoying.
Also there's this recent arc that's all about a side character being a model and I don't give a damn about models. I usually skip manga about models, idols and so on, and suddenly this turned into one for a while; bugged me.
However, at the same time there's a lot of good stuff. And the thing is that even when it's doing bad stuff, it's doing it pretty well; the art is good and expressive, and the major characters feel like nice people somehow (even the side ones who often aren't actually acting nice somehow feel sympathetic). So, overall so far I'm basically glad I stuck to it. But it can be frustrating.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2018
I really wanted to like this and it isn’t bad but I just had to drop it at 10


Sep 30, 2018
Just a friendly reminder that you're under no obligation to have a s/o or to lose your virgninity at a certain age.
Your time is your time my friend.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
A good series, not great - I won't link them but the remaining chapters are out there (72 total). The drama arcs can at times feel forced and drag on, but the characters are likable. Sometimes the motivations are not fully developed, but I guess some people don't really need a reason to like each other. Anyways, it's sweet without being saccharine, decent.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 16, 2019
Compared to other shoujo love stories, this one felt very realistic in world building. It was so relatable. Gave me all sorts of emotions. This was a great read.
Group Leader
Dec 6, 2019
Just a friendly reminder that you're under no obligation to have a s/o or to lose your virgninity at a certain age.
Your time is your time my friend. #
Yes. That's right.
Apr 24, 2020
Read this years ago and I really disliked it. I still do. I knew better. This shoujo got me bored and what others have said everyone is just plain stupid. I found the characters boring, it wasn’t engaging or entertaining.
Jan 13, 2021
I find it really hard to engage in main characters development. They are nice, interesting etc but sometimes the author jumps in time so much that I feel like I was just watching every other episode of a mild drama. They are fighting, but than they are going home together and the next day - they are still fighting and there’s still something wrong between them. And we don’t get to know what happened when they were together.
Actually we don’t see many of their moments and conversations - when they are still getting to know each other, on the beginning of their relationship they... somehow they just “are”. And that’s all. I’m missing all the fuzzy moments, their little developments, the building of their relationship. It just magically appears and it somehow progresses, but we don’t know how or when. I actually got to like main characters, I like the way the are drawn, but those gaps between days are too big :(
I’ll finish the manga for sure, bc they are likable, but the plot doesn’t get me hooked up like some other shoujo mangas did.

Also - what the duck is that buzzing trinket FMC has?! Can someone please explain to me what is that supposed to be and do? 😅
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2020
@Quaraliel Totally agree with the time skips, the post high school chapters felt like jumping from one drama/ issue to the next with no breaks in between.

The "omg are they cheating on me" spiel honestly gets old by the later chapters. Aiko had one of the better character arcs and relationships. Asami could've done better tbh 😶

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