I guess this manhua is ok and nothing more, the ending is happy, but it comes with a lot of unadressed problems.
It has it's cute and funny moments but on the other hand they are shortly overshadowed by the bad ones e.g. a lot of the people in this manga are homophobic, what I understand when it is about china, but why is it only against lesbians, the gay dudes (especially a teacher) can flirt in the open without any mentions but with the girls it is gross? It generally is more accepted that women share skinship than men in a homophobic world.
The MC got groomed/assaulted as a kid by a 5 years older guy and it only is mentioned in one chapter, without real consequences and forgotten directly after mentioning.
Also the pacing and structure is a bit all over the place, e.g. ending a chapter with a cliffhanger and starting the next on a completely different scene with the previous character.
These are just some parts that I still remember and think weren't addressed in the right way, when you go for a very homophobic and darker themed manga, e.g. don't mention the grooming in this way if the trauma, what she clearly got, is non existent except in that one scene.