Supreme Mad Emperor System

Double-page supporter
Dec 26, 2019
Premise is unoriginal. Characters are typical wuxia characters who will kill you if you decide to breathe and will never stop plotting against MC unless they suddenly decide to be completely subservient.
MC is typical wuxia MC, abuses his powers, does whatever he wants.
System is OP and inconsistent. first lucky draw get's him super ultimate swords that also has secret powers that acts as deus ex machina. Everyone can touch systems screens, yet no one can (just walking pass it would trigger it if we are being consistent). And he can do everything with pressing a button, like crafting.
Worldbuilding is completely trash that made me drop this. He is emperor. This means that emperor is kind of his name and not his title. Him being emperor changes nothing, it is your typical wuxia story where everyone is arrogant against MC and try to kill him. It's stupid.
Plot doesn't exist. At all.
Whoever rates it above 5 is deluding himself. It has nothing your average bad wuxia story wouldn't have. Every aspect of this story is seriously flawed. At best it is average but in reality it is bad (4) or really bad (3). Going by mangadex rating system.
Active member
Oct 5, 2020
I don't believe that this thing has no "Harem" tag...
I mean its meta wuxia.. xD
Usually every beautiful ladies got infested w "MC is so handsome/powerful/etc" sickness thingy

And imma turn of my logic in the brain for a moment to read this

at CH 13 ....
Nope sorry I'll drop this.. .. ..
Nov 16, 2020
It seems like madcat is doing mad translation bro, but still he is not pushing himself too hard right?
Jan 29, 2019
I'm currently on chapter 26, and thinking of putting this comic on hold at the moment.

I disagree with the MC actions he wants to die so he can live a better life in his next life, he was promised by his brother a good life if he step back from succession of the throne. I think that fits his criteria of a better life. Of course, being the emperor is way better.

What irk me the most is how he courts the general daughter. She really didn't have any choice. What if she had a fiancé or a sweetheart? doesn't matter since the emperor fancy her (of course this reflects realism of ancient monarchy). She's just a trophy for the emperor. Every beauty belongs to him, the maid, neighbouring princess and the general's daughter.

The only difference between him and other cannon fodder rapist in this story is that he has yet to rape anyone.

Thanks for the translation madcat. Will revisit this comic later. Sorry for my poor English.
Feb 12, 2020
When you put together the source material and MadCat's brilliant translation it comes out as a masterpiece akin to DameDame!'s mp5 fansubs. Does not dare!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
This story doesn't have a single thing holding it together, the plot just goes wherever it wants, the power system is probably the worst I've ever seen, the MC's cheat mechanic doesn't make any sense regardless of how hard you try to understand it. This is probably the ultimate "Turn your brain off" to read manga I've ever come across.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 14, 2019
This is one of those manhua thats so fucking bad its actually hilarious
I like it!

[Edit] nvm.. it got boring halfway through
Nov 27, 2020
I don’t- I don’t actually like any of the characters.. or the story, yet I still find myself reading this??? I am mega confused.

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