Huh??? No!! No! Why did it happen like that? Nonoka 😭 why didn't you just say it?????????????? GIRL!
Edit: I'm pretty mad at Mangadex because my long edit didn't save! Suffice it to say, I reread the previous 3 chapters and I understand and relate to what Nonoka is feeling right now, and I can totally understand if she decides to accept this new guy's proposal. Naoya has been sending mixed signals from the beginning, so of course a love novice like Nonoka would lack the confidence to be true to her own heart. Being brave in love is really hard--I know that first hand!
You know, I feel like we're sometimes too hard on shoujo protagonists. To us, the end game is so certain, so any detours are frustrating. If a lead doesn't risk everything to be true to their heart we are disappointed with them, but should we be? We know who they'll end up with, but do they? Just like in real life, Nonoka doesn't know the path that will lead to her happiness. I mean cut her some slack--4 chapters ago she didn't even know if she was in love!
Many of us don't take risks on unrequited love. We grow to love the one we're with and not the one we pine for. A FL finding someone new to love or making mistakes in trying to find happiness shouldn't be considered a character flaw or a poor story choice-- it's realistic!
I for one want to see Naoya grow. He's been satisfied with his flippant attitude towards love. He's played it safe in many ways, too-- by not allowing himself to care. I want to see him risk something. Why do the FLs always have to be true and brave?