Suterare Yuusha wa Kitakuchuu - Ch. 5.2

May 12, 2018
@bloodysorcerer I’d give him benefit of the doubt on remembering things since it’s been a while, but I’m with you on everything else. This is more a case of defending yourself from invaders in an otherwise hostile world. I would say it’s justifiable self-defense, but she does attack without being provoked, though that certainly doesn’t make her a psychopath, just desperate
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2018
so let me get this straight, the group abandoned heroes, has lost interest in the manga abandoned hero? lol
Mar 8, 2018

I will try to keep it sort, I could say more, but for both of our sake...

Sure, this manga has other issues too, but the ones you mentioned isn't as 'breaking' for me as this trope.
Yes, this manga example isn't the worst of them, but I am still too tired of this trope.

Granted, if you only look at this manga only, yes, her being a woman would appear irrelevant. However, as I stated, this is a trope, which has a pattern.
I could go deeper in explanation if you want, and even mention 'imo' one of the worst usage of this trope.

And her not having killed before is irrelevant. If anything, I think this only make it worse, she, an unexperienced NUN decided to kill someone just like that, unprovoked... Without hearing them out like a normal person....
But sure, her "reason" for acting like this isn't one of the worst. Not all predjudices is 'wrong' in that sense and I can somewhat understand her circumstance. But it still does not excuse this behavior.
She still jumped to violence too quick for a 'sane' person, and it still was unnaturally resolved. My main 'beef'.
Active member
Mar 30, 2019
@BloodySorcerer If I was in said post apocalypse world, I woud kill, not for the kid/others in the group, but for me
in her case, she will kill someone not because he will kill them, but because there's a "chance" that he will cause "problems"
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
Really shitty country indeed if they need to hide children from slavery.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
I know this is speaking from a modern point of view, but... If children are subjected to slavery, then the whole nobility's heads should start rolling. You should become aware that there are rich men doing unmerciful things to children out there at the moment you realize child slavery is permitted: you need to take action, and bring them to justice in a calm and composed manner so as to not leave any social, economical, and political loose ends when their evil presence is erased (perhaps sometimes it should be slow and unclean: depending on how cruel they were).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@Southpaw Maybe I missed a page, but she only actually turned to violence when she was panicking with her back was against the wall. The other stuff I mentioned was more for why she shouldn't be trusted, since the whole "protect the children!" thing tends to build moral credibility. Either way, apparently it's getting dropped by the translators too?

I definitely have seen the trope in action before, and I'm actually curious what you think the worst one is.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
ya'll should read that credits page

gave us the ol' hi bye
Mar 8, 2018

Nah, she starts attacking when the other two showed up. But Yuuto had his hands up, the kids attacked him first, he didn't even defend/retaliate back at them and even asked them to stop...
He despite being attacked by those demihuman children had showed no intention to actually wanting to harm them.

And I don't understand what you mean she shouldn't be trusted. I mean I think I understand what you say now, but I don't see where you brought up this point in your last reply though. Either way, as far as this trope goes, nah, of course she can be trusted.

Worst example.. Well, I went into full autist mode and wrote alot, and could still write some more.... But decided to delete it because it was way too much to let anyone else read on a simple manga conversation on the internet. So here:
You can read it yourself if you want to. It isn't far in, happens in chapter two.

Although, I can say since I wanted to like it, I read a little futher myself trying to ignore that part. But since the core issue for why I find that scene appaling still poisoned every chapter, I dropped it.

Would be happy if you agree with me, but feel free to disagree if you want. Will debate you though.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@Southpaw my original response was to the resorting to violence being a reason she can't be trusted, rather than the trope itself being trash on the whole.

(Was legit trying to provoke that "autist mode" response, but I felt that story was a hot mess anyway. You're talking about the maid, right? She just feels bratty to me and a poorly implemented gag character in a story that otherwise feels way too serious for it. So, just like here, I have different reasons but I have a similar conclusion. )
Mar 8, 2018

Well, then I understand you on that standpoint. And would actually want to agree with you that she shouldn't be trusted so easily. However, this is a trope that has been used many times before, and the setting here show no signs of wanting to "subvert expectations". So no, of course they can trust her just like that.
Which is 'one' the issues with this trope. No one behaves at least like a normal sane person.
I would say to the point this trope very often, is even contradicting its own internal logic. Making it very jarring to read.
This chapter/scene suffer from it too. Albeit, on a scale, I don't think this one is amongst the worst.
Which 'imo' would cement the 'fact' that this trope is actually very trashy as a whole.

(Thank you for agreeing. And I do actually agree with all what you just said about it. But as you might have figured out, I have a ton of other issues with that scene as well. Too much to write here. Plz don't provoke my tism.)
Active member
Feb 24, 2020
Initially my thought when the feral kid hit him and they all pounced was they were all cannibals and he was dinner she was going to make. I was sorely disjointed, that would have been cooler.

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