When is he going to learn to stop listening to Hattori, a guy who hasn't had a serious relationship in his life? All he's interested in is 'scoring' with his date, then moving on. He's after quantity, not quality, and his advice is worthless for a guy actually going steady with someone. Sure, there's some merit to saying that relationships gain a physical aspect, at some point (usually- there are asexual types that can still be romantic, I believe), but if you're serious about a girl, you need to find your path to that point.
My ex pretty much dictated that all on her own- before we 'dated', we were friends, of a sort, that had gotten close, at points, to being somewhat physical, and I was even made aware that she had a lot of sexual history. She generally had a good handle on that aspect of a relationship. So when it came time for when she wanted to do it, she made it abundantly clear and it just happened.
Not all relationships are going to work that way, though. Every relationship is different.