Reminder that Suzuka's cooking has always been more or less passable, at the very least. Some minor issues at points, but salvageable. She always had the potential to do well with it.
Yui's is beyond all hope. Abandon all hope, ye who enters her kitchen.
Anyway, this reminds me of when I would make curry with my ex, while we were together. Those were good times. I'm seriously out of practice on prepping food like that. She taught me how to cut peppers and shit, and I haven't done that stuff since we separated and we both moved out of the apartment we shared.
I personally don't get the idea of the girl feeling obliged to do the cooking, to be honest. Seems like a weird archaic gender role thing. My brother-in-law does a lot of the cooking in my sister's household, when there is cooking done. My dad did a fair bit, as well, when we were growing up... again, when it was being done. A lot of the time, we were left to our own devices, if I recall.