At the level of wealth he has, not giving things away for free is a bigger problem than a deficit. Since we're going to talk about the real world, here's what's going to happen if the wealth continues to be hoarded.
At the level of wealth he keeps hidden away in his 7 treasuries, it's a miracle that the empire is not already in inflation. When you don't put money back into circulation, the economy stagnates, businesses deteriorate and opportunities are reduced. At some point, your economic capabilities (your economic growth) goes to minus, and that is bad, because it's not that you don't have money, all your money is placed in one spot, unreachable by the majority of the populace. At the same time, demand for goods continues to increase, with no businesses to supply it, as all the money is located in the treasury. This means items become more expensive and since not everyone can afford it now, economic growth is reduced year by year.
Thus why, in many cases, the government taking debt is preferable to the government hoarding all the gold. Some would say that a currency backed by gold is not going to cause inflation. That is not true. A currency backed by gold is resistant to inflation, but when it does go into inflation, it goes so deep that it requires two decades to fix.
By giving it for free, he's actually putting money back into circulation. You're probably wondering, "But there's no money involved, he's just giving it for free". But there is money involved, nothing is truly free. To build the tranceiver towers, he will need labour, to build the communication items, he will need skilled craftsmen. Materials need to be bought. The people carrying the materials to the construction site need to be paid. All these need money and as more money gets put into the hands of people, the more stuff gets bought, the more stuff gets bought, the more businesses made. In turn, more tax revenue is collected. Now not only he is rich, the people is rich too.