Yeah, that would be pretty much in character for herEventually, her plan is going to marry him so that they she can annoy him enough as his wife that he falls out of love with her
Yeah, that would be pretty much in character for herEventually, her plan is going to marry him so that they she can annoy him enough as his wife that he falls out of love with her
You do realize it’s a much deeper issue that, while affecting most modernized countries, disproportionally affects the Asian region right? Getting rid of the Japanese lanauage and making everyone speak English won’t fix the societal / cultural / economic issues that are actually causing the decline. You should really go into the weeds on researching this topic as it is interesting and says a lot about human nature.The Japanese government should really get rid of the Japanese language if they want birth rates to improve. With statistics pulled out of my literal ass they are responsible of 97.6% of the drop.
tf is wrong with Japanese sensibilities if "the moon looks blue" was considered a more nuanced and appropriate for the audience translation? Like, I get "the moon looks beautiful," but I'm just lost on this one