To answer the first half of your question:
4*1,000*1,000,000 = 4,000,000,000 (4 billion)
To answer the second half of your question:
Because the previous scanlation groups aren't fluent English speakers; the first being natively Spanish, and the other natively Russian. On the other hand, I can be described as an English "Grammar Nazi", so that's why you'll see a significant jump in quality in later chapters.
By the way, a bit of trivia:
1 Oku is (1 hundred million), a Japanese unit. So 40*(100*1,000,000)= 4,000,000,000 (4 billion). So that's where the "40-Oku" in the title comes from.
tsh chop her back of neck knocking her out drag her home and lock door behind u and call it good, why go threw somuch trouple *face palm* ouch that hurt!
@Harry_Dong so how much is that in USD? i only know the dollor -_-'
There is often a joke within finance that "If you really hate someone, give them a lottery ticket."
Studies has shown that people, after winning a lottery, generally became less happy. Becoming paranoid that people want their money, social seclusion, feeling alone within the sea of people who visit them...
After knowing this I kinda feel sorry for the guy as well as other lottery winners.
They say a fool and his money will soon be parted and considering how little thought he's putting into making decisions, that 4 billion yen will soon be spent into oblivion.
If you get taxed 25% Federal Income and 4% State Income Tax (CO for example), then you'll bring home $ 28,400,000.
If you spend $60,000 per year for living cost, then it'll be good for 473 years.
Let's assume that you're buying a house worth of $1.4M. That shortens things up to 450 years.
Yep, even if you buy new car every 5 year, you'll not need to worry about money. Just don't get scammed.