Takarakuji de 40 oku Atatta ndakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru - Vol. 5 Ch. 22 - Mass Consumer

Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018

Just goes to show we really do stand on the shoulders of giants.

And let's hope the Kessler Syndrome never happens too, as that could set the world back decades.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@definitionofinsanity I knew it was fucked up, but not that bad. They may develop plenty of cutting edge tech, but they are averse to change and have some older less practical parts of their culture in play i'm sure. I do hope they find the answer, because having their country die, or taken over would be terrible as their culture is very important and has had impact on others

@givemersspls I have seen some rallies in japan about kicking white people out and racial purity, but honestly, interacial marriage will never dominate as people fear the unknown and like their own. Unless they mean a Japanese person marrying a Korean, Chinese, or any other neighboring Asian country person too. Interracial marriage is bad if people simply fetishize another race or traits of a particular race.

I do understand if they are thinking of preserving their culture, as immigrants these days don't integrate due to the internet and mass media. No matter where a person migrates to they can still keep up will all their old countries things while ignoring everything in their new home. I've seen that enough where I live, familes where the whole family comes over which means granparents all their kids and grandkids simply because one working age person had their application to work and possibly migrate. It will also fall on that person to get what ever family they wish to bring jobs. Well Gma, Gpa, and wives don't learn English and the men don't learn it that well, generally enough for their job. Depending on the Religion if any usually indicates how well they will integrate with stricter religions being the bad ones. So, who wants that in their country? Those are communities with no real link and tend to look down on eachother, sometimes its only 1 sided though.

If one were to do things very slowly to the point people will not really notice then its fine because it is like a steady state process. Based on moralaty one culture can certainly be better than another, but in its homeland it should dominate
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@givemersspls They have been called out on some things like locking up those who are trying to seek asylum or refugee status. There are other videos circulating about the same topic. Every country gets called out. Germany used or I should say outside influences along with the German government basically push a guilt trip into why they should be so accepting and they are bad, they are a problem, racism is in their genes, don't have kids and some other shit you hear some crazies spout. No one is going to forget unit 737, but we do need to learn to move on as those who committed those acts are dead unless they are in hiding. Shouldn't blame or shame those who had nothing to do with it. In Canada we hear the never ending complaints from the native americans. Whenever they complain its because they want more money or free things or they feel they were discriminated against because they were treated the same as everyone else. Sure it was the Canadian government who let the cathoic church "educate" native kids, but it was the church and those affiliated with it who committed the acts, hid them and still have never been punished for it yet we the non native Canadians will have to pay for it for the rest of our lives. Sure the government is guilty of allowing kids to be taken from their families, not inspecting school conditions and children. Yet, it isn't like those who represent the catholic church only preyed on natives...

The USA was pretty good multicultural country before the shitty media tries to piss everyone off and pit them against each other. People do seem happier when they can't always see the difference and much like Singapore. Europeans/whites make great multicultural communities with next to no problems, until you bring in a lot of other people from different race and language which are 2 very noticeable things. Plenty of Europeans know english or are able to communicate at least with neighboring countries in my experience. This is not a problem that exists with white people though white people and asian people seem to have less problems between each other. It is a defensive mechanism for preserving ones tribe or some shit I'm sure. I'm sure that you are lest trusting of that which you cannot predict especially if you've had nothing but bad experiences with them. It's like how I stay away from down syndrome people because I've had one break my nose, another give me a concussion, one bit my neck enough to draw blood and the worst is where one almost killed me when I was 6 years old skin and bones at the beach in the water when downy mcgoo 6 feet tall 200+ lbs pushes me under water and stands on my back holding me under. I can't do shit, but luckily his dad wasn't far, who then pushed him off, got me up, breathing and then out of the water towards my parents. He went back and beat his boy good. The dad apologized to me for the tard, but that didn't make my bruises hurt less.

People will eventually base their knowledge on their experiences if all their experiences contradict what the general public say. I used my experiences with down syndrome people people as an example, but I've heard enough complaints about nothing but bad experiences with certain groups of people whether it be race, culture, religion, enthusiast group or w.e
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@givemersspls not saying we shouldn't try, but we should not force it either. I do think it worked for better when people weren't so connected by the internet, smartphones and other forms of communication. Without that stuff then people were more likely to rely on others close to them, they had to integrate better and learn about the dominant culture and adapt it into their everyday lives. People seem to think Canada is some bastion of multiculturalism, but we have lots of problems between various communities. I'm just someone who supports equilibrium. Change is important, but too quick can lead to horrible results if said change turns out to be the wrong direction.

For example, the migrant crisis in Europe and a little bit the rest of the world. A stupid cow goes and invites loads of people from the middle east and africa to come on over because they need protection. That is when shit hit the fan and equilibrium went out of wack. Loads of people die trying to get to Europe, criminals amass fortunes smuggling migrants to europe, Europeans lose billions in tax dollars to support these illegals. Hate starts to grow against the invaders, the invaders aren't getting what the smugglers bullshitted to them and they start committing more crimes. If fat cow even had a pound of brain matter sloshing in her head she would know that flooding Europe with foreigners without proper filtering is disastrous. Nevermind negatively affecting Europe, but it is far cheaper to support those affected by war in their own countries. When the war ends who is going to rebuild the country if all the capable people leave for Europe as they are t he ones most likely being able to make the journey. This is why a majority were men 18 to early 30s. Hitler didn't even fuck over that many countries during ww2. While a majority were from africa and the middle east there were migrants from east asian countries too trying to make the journey.

I just hate how improperly things are done. I don't have all the answers or even that many. I can't say what I think is right, but I know how they are currently are opening migration and integration is not right. Without multiculturalism we sure would miss out on a lot of other types of foods. We have an event every summer were every cultural group (pretty much) has a pavilion displaying key points of their culture where their families originate from. So long as there are enough people willing to help regardless if they are from that country we have a pavilion for it. What they basically do is open up an (i guess you can say) ethnic restaurant only selling stuff from their culture. There is also live performances that are sometime interactive while you eat and after. I am not sure how many there are, but I have been to I think 30 different ones (and still go to the ones I like most every year) and it sure seems like most are "afraid" to go to cultures far different from their own. Though it isn't like I'm at each pavilion every day for every show.

I just wish things would be done more slowly so everyone has time to adjust. No fighting no anger. Do you think it is sustainable to bring in 500k people every year as immigrants? Most of these immigrants are better off and educated. This type of immigration only seeks to cause brain drain in less developed nations. https://youtu.be/LPjzfGChGlE This is one video that helps visualize my point. I do hope you can understand. Sorry if I have repeated myself and if not all my points are clear. Please watch the documentary if you can. it isn't long
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@givemersspls you do know that 2.3% of all who entered Europe were actual refugees. The rest were economic migrants and those who look for handouts or believe the smugglers statements. I don't suppose you heard the story about the one syrian man with 3 wives and like 20 kids or more. It costs taxpayers ~38k Euros a month as they put each woman with her kids in their own house. It is easier to call them invaders. It doesn't make sense to take them all in. It only makes sense to take in those who are actually in danger

My main point of this response is that I just err on the side of "trying". You said "not saying we shouldn't try, but we should not force it either". You can attempt to say you're not against trying, but that pretty much means that you're against trying. I don't know if you know the horrors of segregation (around the world). I don't know if you know that racism is basically a proven case of how "not forcing" failed. Just as an example, I've read that Japanese landlords will have contracts saying no black people. As a very, VERY baseline issue, maybe there's something that can be done about that.

When I say force, I mean don't spend tax dollars to go to countries to recruit migrants. Canada isn't the only one that does this, there are even private companies that do it though its generally people who are wealthy. Canada recently got rid of it because it was heavily exploited by Chinese people and ruined the housing markets because Chinese millionaires would do their 500k+ investment with the government to get their citizenship and then buy property lots of times houses, so decrepit houses on shit property were selling for millions meanwhile their actual price should be around 150k. All you are doing is mentioning similar problems that exist everywhere. I used to take care of rental properties for a family friend who wasn't big on renting to natives and many people are against it. Many of them fall behind on rent or just stop paying after a certain point. Finally when you can get them evicted to get paying tenants in they wreck the place far beyond the security deposit. The owner had to take so many to small claims court many times. This of course isn't the case with all natives, but on reserves where they get free housing they destroy the houses within 10 years and get a new one for free. They are vary from 500sqf to 800sqft with no basement. Is there a specific reason landlords don't rent to black people?

Of course I know of segregation in plenty of countries over various periods of time and it is still a problem in some places. Though most of what you see is gendered segregation in religious communities

And then "I just wish things would be done more slowly so everyone has time to adjust." ... You understand that there's a reason why people want to do things faster? It's not just oh, impatience or something like that. Saying oh, let's do things slower literally means that there are people dying of war, hunger, disease, ANYTHING while you are doing things slowly.

You must not of watched that youtube video I linked because you'd see how ineffective that is. Going to their countries to help them is far better and cheaper. Getting the poor and uneducated, educated and in a stable job is a far more effective way. In what way is it effective to just give people food instead of teaching them how to produce their own? In what way does it help the millions born every year to take in a fraction of that into our countries every year? Taking in 500k from various poor countries while the same countries end up having 2million + kids a year seems like a sure effective way to fix those countries. Giving them condoms would be cheaper and effective and improving a famine. Why bring another stomach to fill into the world when you can't even fill your own?

You know what? Maybe that would, in the end of it all, be better because maybe doing things slower would result in less anger and less fighting and less death. MAYBE. Maybe not. But it's very clear WHY people are doing what they're doing, WHY people have these motivations. Don't act like oh, it's so stupid for the countries/governments/etc. to be acting like this when it's not.

Is it clear? People are selfish and look out for number 1 first? Some realize there are more important problems within their own country that should be looked at rather than involving ourselves in the bussiness of others? We look for others who are different to blame for our own mistakes or shortcomings? We seek definitive stagnant answers to an ever evolving problem? Our emotions towards people work in a similar manner to the inverse squared law, the farther away they are the less of a shit we generally give?

I don't mind conversing with you cause I am hearing some interesting things, but I do encourage you to watch the video and here is the link again https://youtu.be/LPjzfGChGlE
Mar 30, 2019
i'm guessing the plants of the other world are more efficient too? considering how the herbs he brought from japan didn't do any good because the other world's weeds sucked away too many nutrients.
Jan 26, 2019
@shanoc5902 It is hard to imagine him to be the same like iron man or batman who has limitless money. At the very least, Iron Man and Batman have a huge corporation that actually gains money. As for this guy, he is jobless (Or at least from my memory and understanding, he is jobless) which he wouldn't get any income to stabilize the outcome.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Weird so what kind of metal are they using I mean we had bronze and Copper before Iron and if they sticked to those 2 metal then i don't know how their place manage to progress to the middle age.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019
Oh come on Valetta, we're supporting you 100000% here >.<

don't lose to the noble gold digger, gambare! :>
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
An example of repeated farming destroying the soil in even a low-tech society would be the pueblo indians, who came to suffer from the epigenetic effects of poor nutrition a few centuries into settlement of one of their most famous archaeological sites. Were one to line-up well-preserved dead puebloans ordered by date of death, one would find subsequent generations becoming scrawnier and bone structures become more... frail, I suppose. Some dentist wrote about this a hundred years ago. Said dentist also noted more-permanent consequences in the bone structure of other societies who went through, like the puebloans, hundreds of years of this... or, in other words, if you can better adapt to limited nutrition, then not epigenes but instead genes granting scrawnier builds might come to be favored and selected for. It's like island dwarfism, which is also observable in the archaeological remains of prehumans... a silly person once hypothesized this would eventually lead to humans evolving to fill niche roles like those currently occupied by scavengers.

As an aside, though earlier comments came in two years ago, the main practical reason to be careful with migration is that the carbon dioxide footprint of migrants increases tenfold or worse when they move to the first world, among other inefficiencies that are often introduced to the uplofted population unnecessarily. To quote some guy that reminded me of a cross between Freeman Dyson and Vannevar Bush writing in the late 50s, "Instead of giving <west african country> bags of portland cement, which they can't make on their own and need to import from USA, instead try choosing any of about 20 different cement or cement-equivalent formulations <population> can make on their own for free because they clearly own their own land." Or, my population has no overpoulation problem and our home is ridiculously fertile, so maybe stop feeding the people living on poor land, because left to their own devices their land can't support so many... with the exception of the rare place like Ethiopia, I guess. Or, equivalently, kill all Americans who eat avocados in order to flatten the avocado black market, with the same net effect on global climate change. Either would work! As a tangentially related aside, the best way to move to the first world is to purchase citizenship from Vanuatu for $150,000; all Vanuatuan citizens have indefinite time limit and visaless access to all of the Europe Uniion unrestricted by the Schengan Zone. This is approximately how much smugglers charge anyway, and you can even pay online! It's legit and they might even have coupons during the holidays.

EDIT Where is all their plastic waste going....

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