i love how much everyone loves and supports them, a lot of other mangas would have like the jealous fangirls and stuff lol but here everyone is just happy and it's p r e c i o u s :'3
@mirp448: In some other manga, the bystanders keep tearing their hair off as they mentally/literally scream "JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY!" In some other other manga, they feel sickened by how absurdly lovey-dovey the couple is and regularly tell them to "get a room."
@Airwave2k2: That looks like "break her heart and I will gouge out yours with a rusty spoon and eat it."
@unime: Arisa does ship them though. She even helped Koyuki with confessing to Masakatsu, to the point of ranting angrily when Koyuki relapsed to self-deprecation after Masakatsu's confession in order to break the poor girl out of her funk.