I can't tell if the future plot seems to be really obvious or the foreshadowing is that good. From what I see the 3 kids seem to be the black demon king, white sage and scarlet witch, and the blonde dude is the hero who keeps killing them. They are reincarnated here again and history will repeat (or will it?)
Edit: it seems literally everyone thought the same lol
It was fun reading all the theories
@Kllick I think in each reincarnation history repeats itself I think the other girl was the hero and each lifetime see gets in the way so the two main characters can be together. Also they die fairly early.
On side note I think thor might have royal blood hes likely reincarnation and descendant of black demon king. I think hes called that because he was an actual king.
Oh I'm curious!
When the her grandma talked about the impossible love what I instantly though was..
Could the witch have fallen for the hero? And are the witch and hero are reincarnations of scarlet and the blond guy? Who's I wonder..not so sure about the former though
However these are just my speculation.
It's been a while so I've forgotten most that happened in chapter 1, I was wondering why scarlet was blushing around the boy so much. At the end I recalled that she aware of her love for him. How cute! But I what's stopping their love?I hope that this is a slow romance though, when it's too fast I tend to drop them.
The foreshadowing is probably implying that many hardships will be between them or that they might not be together at all ...
What's the deal with her friend though. I find myself disliking her very much.