Tama Kick

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Takes job.
Gets brainwashed/hypnotized/drugged.
Ends up naked and molested.
Gets saved by loli priestess.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Double-page supporter
Feb 7, 2018
It's amazing there are so many scumbag villages in Inomaru's work
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
"So all I have to do is go undercover as a librarian..."

"Yes, but you have to be a naked librarian. Also, all the books are porn mags."

"WHAT!? I absolutely refuse!"

"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut our village has a long, storied tradition of naked librarians. Please, I beg of you!"

"Tch! Fine..."

Next Chapter: Real Estate Woman

"So let me get this straight, I have to sell this phallus shaped house to a group of rich old men while wearing only my panties on my head?"

"It's our village's sacred custom."
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018

It's more like:

"You gotta do this."

"I don't wanna."

"We'll pay you."


"We'll pay you a lot."

"You want me to shave or...?"
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
How is it even possible that she's still a virgin, seeing how she falls prey to all those men constantly and can only be saved by that loli? With any sliver of logic, it should be obvious that she has lost her virginity ages ago before she met that girl. I mean, come on now, seriously, at least try.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018
@Siikalahna She only started getting brainwashed and mind controled recently. THere's 0 way in hell for anyone to win against a kick that can destroy a 3 meters high and at least 1.5 meters thick stone sculpture, when she is not under any special influence. You can easily guess that since she had never got into supernatural situations before the first chapter she'd always massacre whatever unfortunate soul ever tried to take advantage of her.
Active member
May 21, 2018
this is a waste of everyone's time. I hope whoever drew this at least feels bad about it
Jan 18, 2018
So he's basically like Shinichi Kudo, but instead of killers she attracts sex offenders mmm...
Apr 2, 2018
is this manga will ever go somewhere? yea we got boobs and all but that's literally it...
Jan 21, 2018
Her getting drugged/hypnotized and almost raped in the same way all the time is getting old...
Those things work in a single short story, but not repeatedly in a serialized manga...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
This series is incredibly formulaic and repetitive, but a manga with lewd mind control but no actual sex was unexpectedly an itch I needed so bad. So tired of all those "bam, now have sex with me" here she's climbing rocks, becoming the perfect maid, being forced to strip, it's so good.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018

Instead of using smut to spice things the story is build around smut. But even is extremely rare to find a smut manga who does things right, it's like sex blocks interesting plots, good characters and developement. I think the author just want to cash on people who like smut with a serialization but don't want to end like some authors who jumped from hentai and failed since most of them aren't good regarding storytelling and building. He is in the comfort zone.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@mug3n: Not much different from most ecchi and harem manga or isekai for that matter in terms of how bad the story is.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018

I'm mostly complaining to the fact these authors just want to put nudes on their mangas without any other consideration. Or they are asked to do that. I remember reading Outlaw Star a lot of years ago and that manga had sex scenes and nudes but it was just to spice it, the manga itself without that was pretty good and its main interest were in other aspects. A lot of mangas from the 90's have some smut or nude but they weren't obsessed to the point of devoiding them of other things.

In fact, I don't understand why someone would prefer this over an actual hentai manga. Apart of watching a busty sadist getting nude there is nothing else, not even for fap.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@mug3n: As they say "sex sells", that's really the main reason this exists even with such a mediocre semblance for a plot. Even though I would argue that in general manga have terrible plot on average, and the only reason this stands out is because people are very sensitive to sexual topics. You could swap in the ecchi part with fighting, or 100 chapters of back and forth "romance" and you'd get your generic mediocre shounen.
Also while I do get where you're coming from, concerning your point that a person is better off reading hentai, I believe that's oversimplifying things. People actually do appreciate erotic entertainment that's not simply sex.
Granted, I fully agree that a good plot with "naturally" occurring sex scenes is better. Actually scratch that, at the end of the day it's the plot that makes the difference. Sex, fighting, romance, premise is only secondary as long as an author can create a believable, interesting, and consistent plot. You can have a great plot with the dumbest premise imaginable as long as the author knows how to write, and you can have a terrible plot with the most amazing premise if the author has no idea what he's doing. Sadly manga authors fall mostly in the second category (and even then the premise also sucks or has been overdone to death mostly).
Stereotypes and cliches are preferred over originality, but considering that such works sell, it means that there are readers happy with this type of quality. I believe a very good example is the isekai genre: very formulaic, appealing to the reader's ego and basic desires. But it sells, very well at that. Now compare this to some of Asano Inio's works let's say. Few people want to read about depression, misery and real life in general. The main issue with "quality" plot is that it usually cannot be appreciated by a large enough audience(= lower sales) and it's also a "risk" to the publisher, since by its very nature it is original. A lot more can be said about this, but I hope you get my idea - the problem you see here is rather a problem inherent to the current manga industry in general.

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