Tamen de Gushi - Ch. 241

Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2019
the irony of trying to say im strawmanning you by IMMEDIATELY strawmanning and strawmanning through your entire post. i NEVER said you didnt criticize other governments? i said youre anti-china. strongly. which is CLEARLY true. the other times you said “strawman” weren’t strawman arguments also, and you also brought up things with no relevance to my argument multiple times. like how i never said US companies are still strict with their cartoons and yet you decided to carry on with that. i wish you could actually respond to what im saying so we could have a real discussion but like i guessed, that’s clearly not happening.

Good job, agent 47 - the denizons of this particular manga hosting service do not suspect that Our Party dislike gay people.

Please report to your local commissar and receive an extra half-ration of crickets. Your social credit score will now attract the envy of the entire polystyrene neighbourhood 🫡
right, okay. u definitely don’t sound mal-adjusted and sinophobic at all. the ccp does indeed enact anti-queer policies in the name of “values and traditionalism”, crazy how that STILL doesnt mean tan jiu was threatened in order to stop publishing. you know, cause there’s zero proof of that. there are still gay works coming out of china. ur a little weird.
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