Tanaka seems a lot more, I dunno, creepy in this version than in the original. Maybe it's just because we're seeing more of his inner monologue than before. Still, him saying "I don't really care about what 'used goods' behavior" or some such is pretty damn sexist. There's a difference between being pervy and being a straight up misogynist. It's likely that Estelle has only ever been with Allen, but because she hasn't remained completely chaste, she must be a whore! It's really weird, when you think about it; Tanaka pervs out on every good looking woman he sees, and any sexual situation he bears witness to, and yet, he still has the thought processes to look down upon anyone who is not a pure virgin, lol. What's equally weird is how quickly he chooses to white-knight any and all women when they're in trouble; it's like the author can't pick a lane for Tanaka's motivations on the subject.
In other news, Mercedes is best girl.