Thank you for your work. I love it so much.
Really happy to see this moving along, but the stickler for rules in me wants to flag that technically you're violating the rules by posting partial chapters if they weren't published that way originally. Mods usually don't take action unless someone complains, though, and I sure ain't complaining, since even a partial chapter here feels like a complete one from any other series.
I'm a little surprised that they don't have a drone in the central shaft to give them eyes across the evacuated floors. Seems like the monster's whereabouts are crucial intel regardless of whether your goal is saving the civvies or exterminating the beast.
thx for translation guys... aggree with a shorter but more regular release time, keep up the good work as always 💪
I love the Nimrod uniform and gun.
Thanks for the translation! Shorter but more frequent chapters are good! Love your work and this manga!
Thank you so much, really! It means a lot to us that you guys have been so encouraging. Now I'm extra excited to get back to working on the conclusion of this chapter!
I couldn't agree more about how badass the Nimrod uniforms are (even if their name is considerately less cool in English lol), they have that futuristic military plague doctor look that just screams "don't f*ck with us", right? I hope the series gets popular enough to inspire some cosplay of them, eventually!
It's a bit unclear, because in the raws, the gun is identified as a Barrett M80 (.50Cal), but since these guys are American military servicemen, they should be using the Barrett M107, which is an M80 variant which Barrett developed specifically for use by the US Military. If you get a chance to check one out irl, I cannot recommend it enough, really. The design, the engineering, and the aesthetics of the M80, and especially the M107, are gorgeous. Sure, it's an instrument of death, but I hope we can all agree they're just goddamn cool, too! And they're fun as hell to fire (Undead Scans only endorses discharging firearms at targets on a gun range, following all proper safety procedures).
Sorry for ranting a bit, I couldn't help myself. We appreciate your comments and encouragement very much, you guys are really the reason why we're doing this after all. It sure ain't the pay 😅 (joking). We hope to see you under 24.2, which will be out soon!
I wish I had the opportunity to fire guns.
Thank you again for the hard work. Remember to drink water regularly.
thanks for not dropping this. i love the fact that even the anti-monster specialists from USA are visibly feeling tense
yea that's basically USA solving problem outside the country. if this scenario happens in, say, New York or any of their own major city, I highly doubt they would be this trigger-happyHeheh, I know right? They have to feeling the pressure if Nimrod thinks the best options are launching ATGMs or ordering an airstrike from Nagoya. Next they'll want to start shelling downtown Tokyo like it's Baghdad circa 2004!
yea that's basically USA solving problem outside the country. if this scenario happens in, say, New York or any of their own major city, I highly doubt they would be this trigger-happy
"Are you saying that we do not respect the safety of our allies' citizens!?"
Lmao you ask that now? Your president didn't give a bloody damn when 3 monsters escaped and preyed on a bunch of Japanese civilians.