Tasogare Otome × Amnesia

May 24, 2019
7/10, overrated though imo. Quite a lot of it was boring and a drag to get through and her mystery was an okay reveal.
Should of been much more romance and less repetative dragged out mystery stories that wasen't that interesting.
Active member
Aug 15, 2020
So he basically fucking died xd

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 26, 2020
I stumbled upon the anime adaptation before reading this. One of the best I have ever read/watched. Truly a hidden gem.
Mar 4, 2020
Severely overated. Full of uninteresting mystery stories, the romance skipped some developments, the comedy is barely passable, and the ending looks like it's just improvised. It's still worth to read but, it's far from 10/10. Maybe 6.5/10 at most.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 16, 2019
I personally loved the anime simply because instead of a bittersweet ending we got a sweet one. The authors a legend in my book.
Mar 21, 2020
My favorite anime growing up and now the manga has given me closure. A true 10/10, with compelling side characters, actual romantic progression, satisfying character development, and an overall haunting story.
Nov 3, 2018
Honestly, it's little boring. But the last 10 chapter that reveal the truth about Yuuko and the ending make it from 6/10 to 8/10. Epilogue kinda ruin the ending for me, so I will pretend it never exists.
Mar 4, 2023
I wonder why did Maybe set up the story in middle school, some of Yuuko-Teiichi shots look like they're from shotacon doujin, high school would've worked better with Teiichi being slightly more assertive too.
Also I didn't get why did he hear his name in 1st chapter, just hallucination? And why did Yuuko push him down the stairs? And was I the only one who read Yuuko's memories' inserts in some chapters as being remembered by Teiichi too?
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
The start of the manga feels great. First year student Teiichi discovers he can see Yukko, a ghost who immediately falls for him. From here he founds a paranormal investigation club to unravel Yukko's past.

The first ten or so chapters work great, but the manga takes a nosedive for the next 20 or so as the characters explore paranormal sightings throughout the school. Each chapter becomes a slog to get through, focusing on fleeting characters that contribute little to the chemistry between Yukko and Teiichi. These stories do ultimately contribute to the climax, but drag on for far longer than needed. The intention appears to be suspense around the intrigue of each story, but they are too boring to be of much interest.

More on the romance, there's little in the way of devleopment. Its obvious their love is mutual. Despite that they never move on from the teasing comedy for most of the story. Reading for the romance is, as such, a waste of time.

The story's positives are a strong introduction and ending. After the bland middle chapters, the final arcs bring back the suspense and excitement the first chapters brought, giving a satisfying conclusion. Along with this, the artwork on this is really good. The faces are expressive and pleasant to look at, in particular side shots. Shots of dark areas give off unease and anxiety which contribute to the story. These positives save the manga.

While the story's art, starting and ending chapters are great, the repetitive and dull middle chapters are simply too damning.

Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2021
In my opinion, watch the anime and late read the manga epilogue, the end arc in the anime is more logic that the manga
I am very happy with the epilogue, is greater

Anime: 9/10 (the link between Yuuko and Teiichi is god)
Manga: 8/10 (Yuuko's sister /facepalm)
Manga epilogue: 11/10
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Oct 27, 2023
This has to be one of the dumbest manga's I've read with such a high rating.

The MC asks if it's strange to love a ghost. UHHH YEAH? What do you think you're going to be able to experience with something that can't experience anything? She will perpetually be 15. How's he going to feel when he's 30? Does he realize that she's 65+ years old mentally? How's that going to work? They can never go out, they can never have children, they can never enjoy anything together. He can't even be certain that's the real her or just that fragment of her split memories. When she merged with her grudge, she appeared to have had a personality shift. So how can he be so sure that's the woman he loves and loves him? They can't even consecrate the relationship since she's ephemeral.

The REALLY ANNOYING part of this manga is the stupid harem that the MC builds and the forced romantic relationship between the dead for 50 years girl and 15 year old annoying reader stand in. The only good character was the great grand daughter. She was actually decently written and had a reason to do anything in the story. It wouldn't have made sense for him and her to get together because he'd just be reminded of the dead girl and she'd feel inferior to a literal ghost, but it would've been a better story and ending than what we got.

So, at the end of the story, what? The kid offs himself to be with the girl? How would that make her happy? How would that make ANYONE happy?

This was one of the most tedious and frustrating things I've read with such a high score and I honestly don't understand why it ranks so high, when the story is so juvenile and poorly written.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
Liked it in 2012, like it now...but it's a shame the author went the route of making generic ecchi/harem slop in the time since.

There needs to be more horror and ghost girl manga, damn it.

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