Team Medical Dragon - Vol. 22 Ch. 180 - Successor

Apr 26, 2019
Huge fan of Bauman here. Seems like more in the vein of what Ijuuin told Arase. Thanks for the chapter!
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2018
When i thought that there was something strange and that this chapter was too bright and positive for this series we get that cliffhanger.

What i find strange is that no one has snapped before, from having to suck up so much to the others.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 9, 2018
Would be a total dick move if Sofue, let alone Noguchi, doesn't vote for Akira after all this, at the very least to show their appreciation towards Noboru.

So, does Kunitachi's failure still completely fall on his shoulders alone? From the looks of things, it seems like it was Baumann himself who wanted to be part of the surgery, not because of Kunitachi's order or something like that.

I knew it. I knew that fishfuck is fluent in English. >:V

At least there's an absolute, undeniable, clear reason to hate that fishfuck now. He's a motherfucking doctor and he says "I'll kill you". That's a career-ending sentence to say over there, even if he doesn't mean it and/or no one else hears it. What a foul character. I swear, if he also says some shit that pushes Shingo even more...

Man, guess Shingo crisis/event/incident/whatever is coming really soon. Those panels of him laughing hurt me to my very soul. Like, it really hurts seeing him trying so hard to deny and cover his true feelings towards his father. Shingo's clearly sympathizing with Kunitachi, or at least feeling bad for him after seeing how hard his father has fallen down, but he doesn't want it to show to the point that it's messing with his psyche. Seriously, it hurts. :/
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
fish dude finally got a detailed face panel. i guess it's time for murder

that's the whole point of the series. in japanese medicine (at least as described in the manga), everything is about hierarchy and deference, not unlike many other parts of japanese society. Sucking up is almost MORE important than skill or experience, and that's why throwing asada, who is the reverse (disrespectful but immensely talented) fucks everything up
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2019
That started out super wholesome and went straight to what-the-fuck.

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