Oh fuck I somehow messed up and put my extra page first wtf Fixed it. We good.
@sheetbroski Hmm, I see I see. I'm not going to lie, I don't know what to label these shorts as, but as far as I know, this short and the next two shorts (2 & 3) were made before chapters 2 & 3, and since I didn't wait until all of them were ready, this is the label I came up with.
Short #4 would be 3.5, as it was released a couple days after chapters 2 & 3
@Treswimming Yes, exactly what I was trying to say. Because it's unclear on where these shorts go between chapters, I've kinda just decided arbitrarily to use the dates they were posted as an indicator of sorts, so the first 3 shorts will fall under '1.5'
@FireCamp kek