I don’t know where else to put this, so I’ll just put it on the latest chapter of your longest series.
Hey, I’m sort of a Blu Manga fan. Sort of. I think it was a few months back (maybe 9?) when I was scrolling through the Mangadex featured page. I don’t normally do this, but for some reason that particular day I was. And out of all the generic-looking art, I came across one of your manga, Edgy. It immediately caught my attention, the weird clunky art style and the satirical title stood out so much that I clicked on it for the heck of it. And somehow, I actually liked it. Really liked it. I thought the ending was beautiful, and really meaningful. I didn’t expect that from a manga about randomly killing anime protagonists.
I think I’ve reread it a few times, mostly the part at the end where he (spoilers), gets old under that forest and dies.
I was hooked. I clicked on your account, and kept looking for more of your works. There was a ton of oneshot incompleted manga, mostly tech stuff, but I came across another banger, the Wish Fulfillment one.
Somehow another banger, and it was pretty funny too. And well, just good in general.
And then I came across Dungeon, my favorite of your works. I genuinely think this is your best work. The characters felt straight from some of my favorite comedy animanga, the way they interacted and messed around like idiots gave a ton of laughs (especially that female orc scene, I’m smiling just thinking about it). And the ending too, the ending gave me a big, big smile. I was completely attached to the characters you introduced in just a few pages. I think that one-shot contributed to my current DnD addiction (but no one wants to play with me, so…). I’ve reread it a bunch, a lot. Still gets a chuckle or two out of me each time. The art too helped a lot, it sold the comedy so, so well.
Then I began Tekno. Contrary to (what seems to be) popular belief, I thought it was great near the beginning. It was funny, crude, reminiscent of Gintama. And the actual serious story elements were good too. I liked Hope’s connection with his name, and how he struggled to live up to it
But, I sort of got lost towards the middle. The pacing was crazy fast, and I barely could catch my breath as people were dying left and right. It was too fast, and I just felt it wasn’t very good. There were good moments sure, but somehow it felt almost lesser than all of your other works. Loved the manga club chapter though. I also like the main trio, especially Tekno. I just hope you bring back the same level of pacing as your other works to this one.
Anyways, what I’m trying to say is, I’m here. I’m reading. I’m a fan. You can make good manga. Keep up the good work man.