The twist is that he dindu nuffin to her and Haruki was one of those facility kids with a body snatching ability. That's why he's freaked that she's here.
Why do I constantly see this manga in the context of trans titles? Some of the main characters is one? I only read a couple of different chapters and I didn't understand what people mean.
@SuperOniichan Probably because troons cling on to anything that could be used as positive spin for them in the slightest bit, in this case it being a dude whose brain got transplanted into a woman's body. So they go all "oMg ThAt'S tOtAlLy TrAnS rEpReSeNtAtIoN".
@Edixo It's almost as if the representation of trans people in the media was overwhelmingly negative, making any positive representation, as flimsy as it could be, a really good thing for them.
Like the other person said, a boy's brain was forcibly transplanted into a girl's body. Both characters had been cisgendered prior to that for all we know. That technically makes the character a trans, but in a sense that doesn't have any direct correspondence in reality since he very literally resides in a foreign body. So I'm not sure if it's anywhere more representative than, say, Your Name which works with the same concept in a fantasy sense.